Example sentences of "[adv] have [be] [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But when all has been considered the next and final step is the survey itself .
2 Very heavy Syrian casualties would apparently have been deemed a lesser price to pay than the probable failure of anything less than what the general 's men say was planned : a full-scale armoured and infantry assault involving 40,000 men on five main axes along a 50-kilometre front .
3 Some members were housed in an annexe , but they were fortunate enough to have been allocated the spartan , but adequate rooms in the main building .
4 The single women who hitherto had been considered a good influence on the girls were relegated to obscurity whilst the married heterosexual women were left to emerge as the ( acceptable and healthy ) role models .
5 Léonie had discovered that , without ever having been taught a single rule of grammar , she spoke the language perfectly .
6 There is a dining room ( with a beautiful Italian monks ' table dating from the early 18th century which interestingly has been lowered a few inches — the monks ate standing up ) , three bedrooms individually decorated , a comfortable study-cum-television room with a log-burning stove — and for bookworms , over 3,000 books .
7 ‘ Making Their Mark ’ could equally well have been called a mixed exhibition ; but this is a term more often used for a show put on by an exhibiting society , that type of artists ' organisation whose importance in Europe was created by the middle classes , who sought in the eighteenth century to buy pictures rather than give commissions , as aristocratic patrons had been accustomed to do .
8 At first the glare from Lucifer — extending beyond Moloch 's ice-locked horizon , and reflecting from Belial high above — turned the depths of space into a flat black backdrop that could just as well have been suspended a few feet in front of her eyes .
9 Maidstone 's face displayed what could almost have been called a mischievous grin .
10 Patients nationwide have been promised a guaranteed service including an ambulance within 14 minutes in urban areas and 19 minutes in rural areas .
11 Patients nationwide have been promised an improved service , including an ambulance within 14 minutes in urban areas and 19 minutes in rural areas .
12 She said that apart from MacQuillan and Barron she did not know who else had been allowed a complete list .
13 It would almost certainly have been given the same support by the full House had it not been attached to a Bill to reform obscenity law , with which it had no clear or logical connection .
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