Example sentences of "[adv] have [be] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But when all has been considered the next and final step is the survey itself .
2 Some members were housed in an annexe , but they were fortunate enough to have been allocated the spartan , but adequate rooms in the main building .
3 So Mrs so far has been hogging the whole show , is that right ?
4 I have the feeling , too , that the great object of the recording engineers here has been to present the full sound-range from the faintest pianissimo to the most thunderous triple- forte , and to ensure also that we hear as it were the furthest tip of the singers ' sibilants and the deepest reverberation of the bass drum .
5 She pinched herself , but might as well have been pinching the padded plastic of the bed on which she sat for all the sensation she felt .
6 And if he involved himself in military activity , he would simply have been discharging the martial duty expected of him as royal liberator .
7 It would almost certainly have been given the same support by the full House had it not been attached to a Bill to reform obscenity law , with which it had no clear or logical connection .
8 Nuadu was glad that he was unable to speak , for to have done so , to have uttered any kind of sound , would certainly have been to betray the utter revulsion that engulfed him .
9 These subjects may therefore have been having the same sorts of experience as " dreamers " , but did not label their REM sleep experiences as " dreams " , but " thinking " .
10 Recently , even those outlets have been drying up because they too have been selling the big breweries ' beer in return for cheap loans .
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