Example sentences of "[adv] have [verb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the chip is incorporated into a smart card and inserted into a mock up cash machine , the user only has to speak into a microphone to be recognized and given the cash .
2 ‘ Beautiful , desirable … the kind of woman who only has to walk into a room in order to arouse the predator inside every man there . ’
3 If he had not had this picture in his mind , he might inadvertently have written in a way that tried to satisfy different types of individual in the same book .
4 Any rise in aggregate demand which was rationally anticipated would have had no such effect — it would merely have led to a rise in prices .
5 Whilst the smallest kind of town can only have served as a market point , those with populations exceeding 500 usually provided more extensive services to their localities , and some had developed specialised manufactures even if on a modest scale .
6 Modern science could only have come from a belief that there was a God who had made all things to a certain design .
7 She could only have driven about a mile , she estimated , but as she trudged back along the road it seemed like a marathon trek .
8 Since there was no sparing of the short-pitched stuff , and no intervention from the umpires , to continue would probably only have resulted in an injury anyway .
9 He despised homosexuals , and although there were plenty of other sexually depraved aristocrats around at the time , he was unfortunate enough to have married into a family ( the Montreuils ) who had strong court connections , and it was they who made sure that he was jailed , partly to get him off their backs ( so to Speak ) and partly as an example to others .
10 As I had suspected , we were the only folk rash enough to have booked into a cow shed for the night .
11 er yes I was saying erm they only had the midwives in them days did n't they , to come for the birth and that and anyway my mother was was ill enough to have to send for a doctor .
12 I only had to deal with a couple of vicious assaults over the telephone when the magazine I was writing for decided he was too dodgy to get involved with and , with mind-boggling nerve , he threatened us with legal action for breach of contract .
13 She could n't find one , so had to settle for an orange juice .
14 Similar results were reported by Bowers , Neilman , Satz and Altman ( 1978 ) who observed a bilateral but asymmetrical impairment on finger tapping when subjects merely had to listen to a story knowing that they would subsequently be asked to recall its contents .
15 Grabow and Elliott therefore carried out an experiment similar to that of McAdam and Whitaker and found that movements of the tongue to left or right induced asymmetric scalp potentials which were not observed when subjects merely had to think of a word .
16 You only have to look at a prole in this book and it rolls over to have its tummy tickled .
17 Have you ever said , ‘ I think I was meant to be big ’ or ‘ I only have to look at a cream cake and I gain 2 lbs ( 0.9kg ) ’ or ‘ I ca n't diet ’ ?
18 ‘ I was a big baby — I 'm obviously meant to be this size ’ , ‘ all my family are big ’ , ‘ I 've tried every diet , they just do n't seem to work for me ’ , ‘ I only have to look at a cream cake and I gain 2lbs ( 0.9kg ) ! ’
19 ‘ You only have to look at a picture of him when he resigned and compare it with one from six months beforehand .
20 ‘ I know that , ’ Candy returned ruefully , ‘ and it 's always been the bane of my life that you can eat your way through a tuckshop without gaining a pound while I only have to look at a picture of a cream cake to make the scales groan . ’
21 We rightly have to live in an environment of audits , commissions , Ombudsman and legal review in the course of our conduct .
22 Equally , Thames & Hudson 's ‘ biography ’ of Keith Haring may have seemed a brave piece of publishing to the general bookseller but , supported by T-shirts , badges , posters and cards from te Neues , it pulled in customers who would not normally have stepped inside a Blackwell shop , thanks largely to the non-book items and the extraordinary point of sale from T&H .
23 By this stage , you may already have booked into a dog training class .
24 This , too , has made an enormous difference — no longer having to work in a studio .
25 Meanwhile , Pogo would just have to wait for an answer .
26 Lisa would just have to cope for an hour or two .
27 So you 'll just have to hang on a bit .
28 They 'll just have to hang on a minute , .
29 ‘ My lord , ’ he said , restraining what could easily have blossomed into a glow of triumph , ‘ even a layman may be inspired to speak prophecy .
30 And they could just as easily have hopped on a train to any other part of the country . "
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