Example sentences of "[adv] be [adj] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 There have been four players with the same initial letter of their surname playing for a Test side both before and since , but there has only been four of the same letter on each side .
2 If she went , much as her emotions screamed at her to do so , she knew deep in her heart that eventually it would just be more of the same , more of Cameron 's evasion , his neglect , his unexplained absences .
3 Though a crown body , it did not operate as such and thus was subject to the same planning control as private developers .
4 In other words , the recollection that the Friend had once been guilty of the same fault is a consolation to the Poet , for he now knows how the other must have ‘ bowed ’ under his own , ‘ transgression ’ : They are equal , then — but more , they are united : ‘ Oh , that our night of woe might have remember'd/My deepest sense how hard true sorrow hits . ’
5 I have got to alter myself so completely that at the end I should hardly be recognisable as the same person .
6 You 've both followed international careers , acquiring a cosmopolitan patina , you 've both been involved with the same man …
7 On the contrary , the child imagines that only unworthy female persons have thus sacrificed their genital organ , such persons as have probably been guilty of the same forbidden impulses as he himself .
8 Other discourse types do not have such overtly marked units ; but they may also be susceptible to the same representation .
9 A distributor or seller who was not the manufacturer ( e.g. a retailer ) could also be liable under the same principle if he was negligent , e.g. if he negligently failed to pass on to the customer a warning label ( ‘ Not to be taken internally ’ ) which he had received with a bottle of medicine .
10 If a company meets these requirements in any year and is therefore entitled to the accounting exemptions for that year it will also be entitled to the same exemptions for the following year , regardless of whether or not it meets the criteria .
11 It wants a more detailed report , but Llewellyn , though free now to continue playing , will eventually be subject to the same disciplinary measures as a player sent off at home .
12 Both films will now be available at the same price per pack from your local Polaroid Professional Dealer .
13 Both films will now be available at the same price per pack from your local Polaroid Professional Dealer .
14 NHAs , like the present NSAs , will rely not on tighter legislation for protection but on voluntary agreements with landowners — where Sites of Special Scientific Interest can be contested , de-registered and exploited by , for example , mining , and where future access to the hills may well be subject to the same uncertainty .
15 If the costs of transactions in forward and spot markets are the same , then risk neutral traders will again be indifferent between the same forward and expected future spot rates .
16 all the crop plants will have almost exactly the same genetic pattern and therefore be susceptible to the same diseases so one virus could wipe out vast crops of plants and
17 The expert clause is a clause in a contract and it will therefore be subject to the same rules of interpretation as a contract .
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