Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [prep] as the " in BNC.

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1 ( Rule 43 specifies that ‘ In the event of national action being proposed by the Union in pursuance of any of the objects of the Union , the following provision shall apply : that a national strike shall only be entered upon as the result of a ballot vote of the members taken in pursuance of a resolution of Conference , and a strike shall not be declared unless 55 per cent [ changed in April 1984 to ‘ a simple majority' ] of those voting in the ballot vote in favour of such a strike ’ : Crick , 1985 , pp. 149–50 . )
2 The next four instruments depend for their efficacy upon incorporation into contracts , though a codification of custom and usage could perhaps be relied on as the best evidence of custom and usage and as such be imported by implication into a contract , whilst the adoption of general contractual conditions is not the exclusive prerogative of private parties but can also be achieved by embodiment in bilateral or multilateral Conventions implemented by dispositive legislation in the various participating States .
3 The trouble was that if you permitted intimacy you would be thought of as ‘ cheap ’ and perhaps be talked about as the girls at the dance had talked about Paula , only by the boys , which was worse , but if you did n't no boy would be prepared to bother with you for long .
4 Somehow working with a young cast in Dublin has brought out the best in Parker as a director to create the film that is already being talked about as the best rock movie in years .
5 And the process of secularization , which has as one of its fruits the growth of technology , has similarly been referred to as the product of Western Christian civilization and the spirit of Christianity ‘ incognito ’ .
6 Plato can reasonably be thought of as the most radically and implacably anti-democratic of all political philosophers .
7 Buckminsterfullerene has often been thought of as the 3-D equivalent of benzene and so should be ‘ aromatic ’ , which means performing some of the chemical reactions for which benzene is noted .
8 Finally , what he calls the ‘ division of labour in detail ’ will here be referred to as the division of labour within the enterprise .
9 Thus But Hence a useful alternative expression for the partial fraction coefficients is in terms of which and The final result here is referred to as the Heavyside expansion theorem .
10 The 1980s might usefully be thought of as the ‘ decade of regulatory reform ’ .
11 The boiling point of a liquid at the new standard pressure ( 100 kPa ) would then be referred to as the " baric boiling point " or " b.b.n . " .
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