Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Design Change ( DC ) has successfully been submitted for assessment by all interested users ; ie. all users who have a package containing any of the modules listed on the DC , managers of all modules listed on the DC and the DC submitter .
2 I have n't heard yet from anybody that regeneration 's properly been taken into account in the calculations within local level or county level .
3 For example , they have found that " there is considerable evidence that attitudes to comfort are important in estimating the user 's contribution to conservation … yet these have rarely been explored by research on the effects of feedback " .
4 LeWitt 's use of geometrical structures dates to 1963 but this vital aspect of his work has rarely been examined in depth in Britain .
5 They are caused by DNA , in the sense that differences in eyes , skins , bones , instincts , etc. are caused by differences in DNA .
6 When any seeds arrive from him I will take the first opportunity of sending you a share and in return shall trouble you for some Northern and Welsh plants which I hope we shall make proper conveniency to receive into our Garden in a short time ; for several of those which you were so good as to furnish me with a few years since are lost for want of proper soil and situation , the natural earth of our Garden being too light and dry and the bottom too warm .
7 It served , however only to churn up the sodden land , whose drainage system had long since been destroyed by years of artillery fire , into a vast morass of craters filled with water , through which the British were expected to advance .
8 Many of their descendants have since been presented to zoos around the world .
9 The decision has since been applied in Department of the Environment v Thomas Bates & Son Ltd [ 1990 ] 2 All ER 943 .
10 Diameter has since been declared in default by the Investors Compensation Scheme , thus preparing the way for compensation .
11 Mr Dobbs ' parents heard police evidence that their son had travelled to Amsterdam with 3 others ; two from Gloucester , who 've since been questioned in connection with conspiracy to smuggle drugs .
12 According to the report , " the earlier expectations of a recovery in world economic activity , and consequently for the LDCs ' , have since been transformed into forecasts of further and significant decline " .
13 Higher readings than expected have since been found by monitors along the coastline near Sellafield , and even in the dust inside seaside houses .
14 He has since been praised by managers at his new job with Smith 's Dry Cleaners for his honesty .
15 ( The old argument , fashionable in the 1960s , whether molecular biology is a separate discipline ir , instead , an ingredient of every other has long since been settled in favour of pervasiveness . )
16 At the workshop the organisers had managed to unite informed educational opinion throughout Nigeria and to establish a productive working climate in which panels in six areas of the primary school curriculum : cultural and creative art , languages , mathematics , physical and health education , science and social studies met and in the light of the goals set at the 1969 Curriculum Conference expanded and refined objectives in these areas and produced a series of guidelines which have since been used throughout Nigeria at university and state level as a basis for detailed curriculum planning .
17 Three jets recently handled include Sea Vixen FAW.2 XN685 from the British Aerospace Apprentice School at Hawarden , which was moved to the Midland Air Museum , Coventry , and a pair of Folland Gnats T.1s , XP511 and XS109 , which were moved from RAF Halton initially into a storage area at Portsmouth , and have since been exported to Seattle in the USA .
18 Another outstanding Box feature was SIMON AND LAURA ( 1956 ) a comedy about live television production starring Kay Kendall and Peter Finch whose wit and sharpness has not since been rivalled by films on similar themes .
19 The implication of moral blackmail in robbing patient services to pay nurses remained a ghost at the banquet for the media , and for many nurses , who had still to reconcile the jobs they had perhaps been doing for years with the management 's idea of their responsibilities , and the clinical grade to which they aspired .
20 ( ‘ These problems ’ , says Todorov parenthetically , ‘ have hitherto been studied in terms of ‘ point of view ’ . ) ’
21 Cognitive behaviour is not reducible to simple sequences of contingencies of reinforcement but instead reflects goal-seeking activities , hypothesis making and many other features which had hitherto been dismissed from consideration within the Anglo-American tradition in psychology .
22 Whilst discussion of these issues leads us to draw in groups — such as women and young blacks — which have hitherto been neglected in studies of youth , it also means that that many of the original ideas and concepts need to be re-thought .
23 The discovery of chemical substitutes led to the founding of a dyestuffs industry and helped the mills develop into extended factory production , gradually mechanizing processes which had hitherto been done by outworkers in their own homes .
24 Thank you , Chair , it 's basically been allocated in terms of floor area , and what we 've said to Age Concern , is in so far as we continue to provide them with premises , then we will , if we adjust those charges , we will adjust their grant accordingly .
25 The colourfully-attired fivesome — all patchwork jeans , hair extensions , lurid T-shirts and warm demeanour — repair to the crash-pad next door to explain why their profile has suddenly been heightened after years of tolling diligently in underground circles .
26 Socially , at this point the significance of design as such is more or less lost : significance can only been seen in terms of problems solved or products produced .
27 O. enopla enopla has so far only been recorded from SE. of Cape Cod at a depth of 1152 m .
28 In the North Atlantic it has only been recorded from south of Martha 's Vineyard in 2509 m .
29 In the North Atlantic this species has only been recorded from south of the Canaries at depths of 932–2330 m .
30 Tillett 's Tea Operatives had only been spurred into action by the activities of an outspoken gas stoker named Will Thorne who had succeeded in organizing the men at the great Beckton gasworks in East Ham into forming a Gas Workers ' Union in May 1889 .
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