Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Design Change ( DC ) has successfully been submitted for assessment by all interested users ; ie. all users who have a package containing any of the modules listed on the DC , managers of all modules listed on the DC and the DC submitter .
2 I have n't heard yet from anybody that regeneration 's properly been taken into account in the calculations within local level or county level .
3 For example , they have found that " there is considerable evidence that attitudes to comfort are important in estimating the user 's contribution to conservation … yet these have rarely been explored by research on the effects of feedback " .
4 LeWitt 's use of geometrical structures dates to 1963 but this vital aspect of his work has rarely been examined in depth in Britain .
5 When any seeds arrive from him I will take the first opportunity of sending you a share and in return shall trouble you for some Northern and Welsh plants which I hope we shall make proper conveniency to receive into our Garden in a short time ; for several of those which you were so good as to furnish me with a few years since are lost for want of proper soil and situation , the natural earth of our Garden being too light and dry and the bottom too warm .
6 The decision has since been applied in Department of the Environment v Thomas Bates & Son Ltd [ 1990 ] 2 All ER 943 .
7 Diameter has since been declared in default by the Investors Compensation Scheme , thus preparing the way for compensation .
8 Mr Dobbs ' parents heard police evidence that their son had travelled to Amsterdam with 3 others ; two from Gloucester , who 've since been questioned in connection with conspiracy to smuggle drugs .
9 ( The old argument , fashionable in the 1960s , whether molecular biology is a separate discipline ir , instead , an ingredient of every other has long since been settled in favour of pervasiveness . )
10 Cognitive behaviour is not reducible to simple sequences of contingencies of reinforcement but instead reflects goal-seeking activities , hypothesis making and many other features which had hitherto been dismissed from consideration within the Anglo-American tradition in psychology .
11 O. enopla enopla has so far only been recorded from SE. of Cape Cod at a depth of 1152 m .
12 In the North Atlantic it has only been recorded from south of Martha 's Vineyard in 2509 m .
13 In the North Atlantic this species has only been recorded from south of the Canaries at depths of 932–2330 m .
14 Tillett 's Tea Operatives had only been spurred into action by the activities of an outspoken gas stoker named Will Thorne who had succeeded in organizing the men at the great Beckton gasworks in East Ham into forming a Gas Workers ' Union in May 1889 .
15 Nature conservation has only been promoted by government in France since 1976 ; to date only 2 official Nature Reserves have been designated in the Auvergne .
16 Furthermore such systems have not yet been designed to flood such a warehouse at the speed with which the fire will develop vertically and so far have only been used in conjunction with a sprinkler system at ceiling level .
17 Much of that research has , in turn , been inspired by an attempt , especially among American psychologists , to understand and predict ‘ giftedness ’ : as such , in seeking reasons for differences in creativity , their preference has naturally been to look for evidence of the latter 's association with excellence , superiority , and health rather than with maladjustment or psychological deviance .
18 USL and Univel have apparently been working under non-disclosure with Intel to ensure the kernel wrings specific new performance possibilities from Intel 's anticipated 80586 chip , the P5 .
19 ‘ Dublin has long been paralysed in relation to the Unionists , by an implicit veto of John Hume .
20 Nuln , whose city defences had long been neglected in favour of marbled magnificence was attacked and burned .
21 God had long been banished in favour of any number of petty little sects , clinging to tattered bits of faith ; they could be tolerated , since they formed no collective alternative to the consumer society on which organized science depended so heavily .
22 Indeed , military effectiveness has long been argued in favour of the acceptability of new weapons however horrifying , going back to the British attempt to defend the use of ‘ dum-dum ’ bullets against ‘ savages ’ in the Colonies ( Best , 1980 , p. 162 ) .
23 Credit transfer , or ‘ exemption ’ as it is sometimes called , has long been recognised as part of SCOTVEC 's provision .
24 Of course , gardens have long been maintained in conjunction with historic houses ; what is new is the desire to rescue and restore gardens that may have been abandoned many years ago , as attractions in their own right .
25 Deer , antelope , buffalo and other grazing mammals have long been hunted by man for their meat and hides and for the other products they yield .
26 Success in biomedical careers has long been associated with authorship of publications in peer reviewed journals , and this association may partly explain the exponential increase in the number of articles published over the past two decades .
27 Residential care has long been associated with care of deprived and delinquent children .
28 Wyse and AST Research have been mentioned as possible candidates — Sequent 's name has long been mentioned in conjunction with AST ( UX No 371 ) — but most likely candidate appears to be Minneapolis , Minnesota-based Tricord Systems Inc .
29 Wood , of course , has long been used as fuel by mankind ( see the beginning of this chapter ) .
30 Oils extracted from soya beans , sunflowers , peanuts , rapeseed , palms , castor beans , eucalyptus , squash and coconut have all been tested for use as fuels and lubricating oils over recent years .
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