Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Attention has quite justifiably been drawn to the fact that we have not had anything in the way of a Teachers ' Forum for some years .
2 An additional £74,000 has since been transferred to the Trust , making a magnificent total of over £380,000 generated by the affinity scheme in only six months .
3 He was within 18 months of retirement and has since been elected to the UK Central Council for Nursing , the profession 's regulatory body .
4 A wide variety of other commercial and industrial organisations has since been attracted to the country , not least because of its central location and excellent transport links with the rest of the country .
5 The last of the modern illuminated cars is a frigate , based originally on H.M.S. Blackpool , which has since been sold to the New Zealand navy !
6 Vasari recorded it in situ in his biography of Cosimo Roselli , but the work has since been attributed to the Master of the Fiesole ‘ Epiphany ’ , a follower of Domenico Ghirlandaio .
7 Insufficient attention has hitherto been given to the role that can be played by scholarly publication in influencing harmonization .
8 For some reason Papa 's permission , which had stubbornly been denied to the lawyer 's requests all these months , had lately been given .
9 The powerful multiplicity of sexuality has for too long been reduced to the level of the coarse car sticker , the symbol of two feet pointing upwards and two feet pointing downwards .
10 They have long been committed to the idea of such a conference for dealing with the Arab-Israeli conflict ; they are now committed to the idea of such a conference for negotiating a Gulf peace ; there is no obvious way to keep the two ideas apart .
11 It claimed that ‘ The pooling of coal and steel production will immediately provide for the establishment of common bases for economic development as a first step in the federation of Europe , and will change the destinies of those regions which have long been devoted to the munitions of war , of which they have been the most constant victims ’ .
12 The Cathedrals of Paris , Laon , Reims , Amiens , Chartres have all been likened to the Parthenon in Athens in that they , collectively and individually , present the greatest contribution to the architecture of their time — Gothic — and became prototypes for churches all over Europe .
13 We have all been invited to the festivities at his palace of Fontainebleau . ’
14 They 've all been listening to the trainer .
15 Anne and Sarah , Terry and Stephen had all been promoted to the ballroom and Anne said to Sarah , ‘ I 'm trying to persuade our Joe to come .
16 Had no such provision been made , and had it merely been left to the initiative of backbenchers to keep an eye on instruments tabled , it is highly probable that many instruments would become or remain law with never a critical eye being cast over them .
17 Although due emphasis has rightly been given to the quality of the care , the first priority is the provision of sufficient places in residential establishments .
18 Industry will especially be looking to the polytechnics to provide a further and much needed stimulus to innovations already taking place in higher education ; in particular , in the development of mixed degree courses , modular courses coupled with practical experience , and of the sandwich system of education and training generally , and in the opening up of opportunities for women in all branches of higher education , not least science and technology .
19 The downward arpeggio in the last two bars will obviously be given to the clarinet , for besides the fact that it fits that instrument like a glove , it does not lie within the range of any other wind instrument .
20 The principle just formulated can quite obviously be applied to the infinitive of purpose : ( 33 ) He struggled to get free .
21 In this context , I would argue that while the unleashing of widespread revolutionary activity in Latin America in the 1960s must obviously be attributed to the impact of the 1959 Cuban revolution , this event was essentially a catalyst , which supplied a model and a source of inspiration to a radicalised generation who were already looking for an alternative to the Soviet theory of ‘ revolution in stages ’ .
22 English was , as it were , placed fully in the hands of the critic rather than the author , and the author would henceforth be admitted to the pantheon only on condition of a complete and " first-hand " revaluation .
23 The Army and RUC had previously decided that , while the demonstration was too big to be prevented , it should none the less be confined to the ghetto .
24 The European Council considers that the presidency 's draft forms the basis for the continuation of negotiations … on the understanding that final agreement by the member states will only be given to the treaty as a whole .
25 1 Gifts or free samples should only be given to the media for sampling purposes , to draw attention to a new , changed or ongoing product , or to say " thank you " .
26 If this causes difficulties for some , Foucault 's scepticism with regard to the tendency to inflate the effect of individual agency can only be compared to the position of many Marxisms in which resistance and revolution are hardly the privilege of the individual as such , but rather of collective class action .
27 In a situation of monopoly power , the profits which a company makes will contain an element which can only be ascribed to the use of monopoly power by that company .
28 Despite requests by the PNG government for further military assistance from Australia , which had already loaned the security forces several attack helicopters for use against the rebels , the Australian government stated on Jan. 20 that troops would only be sent to the island to protect Australian nationals .
29 National rules in the member states where services are provided can only be applied to the extent that the public interest requires it , and after due account is taken of the national rules applied to the company in the member state of establishment .
30 Prior to there being a detailed component to carry the specific attribute , the relationship can only be made to the assembly space .
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