Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh adv] [verb] [adv] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She wanted a career and a love and both were possible so why had n't she called him , written to him ?
2 The sort of man who could have his pick of women , so why had n't he picked any ?
3 And he must have known that they 're gon na be cheaper so why does n't he advise people who are starting out to take one of them ?
4 So why does n't he get vicious ?
5 So why does n't it work ?
6 The government must have the figures , we know the government has the figures and the people of Britain will have to pay that extra tax so why have n't they got the guts to tell them how much they 'll have to pay .
7 So why have n't I done the fuck already ?
8 ‘ I 've shared the same ball as Waqar and Wasim all series , so why have n't I had the same degree of success ?
9 We are not in the least angry about this rather hurried wedding , so why have n't you brought her ?
10 So why have n't you had any so far ?
11 So why do n't we reply to the people who put this suggestion that in reprinting it 'll be taken into account but there are some reasons that we ca n't follow it completely and that , two chief of which are different , where colour is used for coding and erm , secondly what Richard has just said .
12 So why do n't we do it ?
13 So why do n't we do this other one , your your static
14 It 's not a good idea to leave Miranda all on her own , so why do n't we keep her company ?
15 ‘ If you stay here she 'll probably call for a dozen more rehearsals of that damn kiss — so why do n't we cut out of here for a while and go for a coffee ?
16 If it does go ahead the proposals to close it will be somewhat late so why do n't we look at them now .
17 " Everyone else is busy at the moment , so why do n't we try to get something fresh for the pot .
18 Now if you 're talking about filling the seats it 's obvious that the people in Harlow like that type of thing so why do n't we have more of it . .
19 So why do n't we take it from there ? ’
20 Now , ’ he added , rising to his feet and taking the plate from her hand , ‘ it 's a beautiful moonlit night — so why do n't we take a walk in the garden , and you can tell me all about the history of your old family home ? ’
21 I only appear on infrequent occasions , so why do n't they think I 'm just a family friend ? ’
22 So why do n't they admit it ?
23 So why do n't you tell me all about this experiment of yours ?
24 So why do n't you give him a break ?
25 So why do n't you move away , Sam ?
26 So why do n't you piss off back to where you come from and leave the decent people of that once great borough alone .
27 In our group , we said to one member , ‘ Every time you say something , we find ourselves acting on it , so why do n't you contribute more ? ’ ’
28 It may have escaped your notice , Dr Blake , but you were n't the only one who missed dinner and , frankly , I 'm starving , so why do n't you stop arguing and go and get dressed ?
29 I do n't care one way or another , so why do n't you make up your mind .
30 So why do n't you go and find a girl you really like and who likes you very much . ’
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