Example sentences of "[adv] [that] [pers pn] be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Basically that it 's there to be enjoyed and that it is only when you enjoy it that you play at your best — I always enjoy my cricket .
2 If you want to stay on starboard tack after the start , it is usually better to tack just in front of a group of boats so that they are safely to windward once you start .
3 The situation where such clauses are most likely to be reasonable is one where prior negotiations have been complex , with many oral discussions and lots of paper work passing between the parties , so that it is equally to the advantage of both parties to create certainty by describing all of their rights and liabilities in one defined set of documents and excluding all extraneous issues .
4 But despite this general rule Parliament can if it wishes confine a decision on a question of law to a particular inferior court and provide that the decision shall be final so that it is not to be challenged either by appeal or by judicial review .
5 door so that it was around to there .
6 Laws used to specify offences such as loitering with intent or malicious wounding , so that it was up to the prosecutor to prove the evil character of an act that might be more or less culpable .
7 Costs are well down and will continue to fall and I 'm more confident than ever that we 're on to a winner .
8 If she had n't resisted he would no doubt have made sure Peter knew at once that she was n't to be trusted !
9 The association has stated clearly that it is up to British Rail — and , perhaps , the Government — to take such dangers into account if they wish to increase railway speeds , as many of us would like , and to ensure that people can cross the line safely , even if that means the Government providing the money either for an underpass of for a bridge over the line .
10 Now that you 're down to an average of 68 pages , why not run back up to 84 with the features that made you great .
11 He is leading a Kings Kids Christmas tour in Ayrshire but before that he is off to Albania to look at opportunities of taking a team there in Summer ‘ 93 .
12 It was greatly taken amiss that they were not to be seen in the bombed vicinities .
13 In the middle ages Margaret had had a wonderful time ; women had understood then that it was not to other mothers that you turn in childbirth , it is to those women who have lived it , who have been down between the dragon 's teeth , have travelled the dragons ' pathways and have lurked in the dark and boiling belly of pain , have been chewed and digested and emerged .
14 As to Mrs. Steed 's ignorance of the power of attorney , if she was ignorant of it , the ignorance was attributable to Mr. Steed 's incomprehensible failure to tell her either that he was about to or that he had made the appointment .
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