Example sentences of "[adv] [that] [prep] [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some believe that Jacobitism was a fairly significant force both within the Tory party and in society at large ( especially north of the border ) , so that at the time of the Hanoverian succession there was a realistic chance that a Jacobite coup might succeed .
2 England particularly suffered from these raids , so that by the time of the twelfth-century renaissance it was , in the words of R. W. Southern , ‘ a colony of the French intellectual empire , important in its way and quite productive , but still subordinate ’ .
3 By the end of the fifteenth century many chantries had served their term : some had dissolved through lack of maintenance on the part of the families concerned , while others disappeared through amalgamation ; so that by the time of the suppression there were not more than 200 spread among the City churches .
4 The company soon took off , so that by the time of his death Butterley was the biggest industrial concern in Derbyshire and one of the greatest in the country .
5 Lori 's suite was several floors above , but the express lift whisked her upwards , so that in no time at all she was knocking on the door .
6 A boxer before the war , Charles Nungesser had been smashed up so badly that by the time of Verdun he had to be lifted bodily into the cockpit and could only use one leg on the rudder controls .
7 Some may find it surprising nevertheless that in a time of cut-backs in state spending , thousands of millions of pounds have been spent on youth training since 1981 .
8 By mid-June , the projection of the opinion polls was already suggesting that the majority favouring a measure of divorce legislation was declining so rapidly that by the time of the poll , the noes would have it .
9 Suppose also that at the time of the buyer 's liquidation the buyer owed £500 to the seller under another contract .
10 It followed therefore that at the time of the accident the brewery still owed him a duty of care under s. 2 OLA 1957 .
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