Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] its [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Messianic Age will shortly reach its culmination in the return of Christ .
2 IF this newspaper were a backbench Tory MP , it would tonight cast its vote against the Government .
3 We did n't attempt to touch him for a lizard can easily lose its tail at the defensive snapping point .
4 This is one machine that will quite easily fight its way to the top of the £300 pile ; lend it your ears .
5 But the conviction too often remains that any extra money in the government pot will somehow find its way into the pockets of the country 's leaders .
6 The government can no longer close its eyes to the health facts .
7 This was before the building of New Bridge Road and it now seems impossible that the large convoy of vehicles could ever make its way over the narrow bridges leading into the city .
8 Curtis , meanwhile , as the result of his meditations on how a federated empire might collectively discharge its duty to the backward races under British rule , had begun to reach the conclusion that the answer was to train them for eventual self-government .
9 Finally , it provides that ‘ the state which makes the preliminary enquiry … shall promptly report its findings to the said states and shall indicate whether it intends to exercise jurisdiction ’ — in other words , whether to prosecute or extradite .
10 His basic case is that , with a shift towards producing more modern products , Czechoslovakia could quickly regain its place among the most advanced countries of Europe .
11 Even if it is not read out in the endless rounds of buying and selling shares , then the message , passive though it might be , should still find its way into the living rooms of a high proportion of homes in the Sheffield region .
12 With this , however , there was concern that , over the years , the radioactivity would still find its way into the oceans through a network of recently discovered lakes beneath the ice .
13 When a rat became a competent maze-runner , Lashley removed part of its cerebral cortex and checked to see whether the animal could still find its way through the maze .
14 The economics of producing oil from coal ‘ do not look attractive and will possibly delay its introduction in the UK until the second or third decade in the next century . ’
15 Once manufactured and distributed , the material may always find its way to the hands of others who are less equable , so that its effect may be to stir up racial hatred indirectly .
16 But it is still hard to beat the experienced eye , which can automatically focus its attention on the most significant features of a spectrum .
17 It would probably divide its loyalties between the competing political authorities , leading in the worst case to civil war .
18 The US could also use its influence with the Salvadorean Government and army to achieve a ceasefire and eventual settlement , it was suggested .
19 The US could also use its influence with the Salvadorean Government and army to achieve a ceasefire and eventual settlement , it was suggested .
20 It will also find its way onto the shelves of most major university libraries .
21 Professor Richard Lacey ( It ) would probably find its way into the press and make a stink .
22 The media must also accept its share of the blame .
23 In my opinion , this empty disputation will eventually take its place with the many other myths of human evolution .
24 This project will now generalise its findings to the graphical teaching of more powerful logics and to the choice of media of expression in the design of computer interfaces .
25 By diffusing gas in or out of the bladder or expelling it directly through the connecting tube , a fish could accurately control its level in the water .
26 There was a general belief that our terms would not attract many takers and there was a suspicion that the Government did not really have its heart in the project in any event .
27 This information — and it is of enormous diversity and emanates from all governmental departments — does not often find its way into the media .
28 Alcatel — which has been working with Chorus since 1989 on its PABXes , will now expand its use of the microkernel to such areas as process control syst ems within power stations and embedded transport control systems - Alcatel products include the French Train a Grande Vitesse .
29 Alcatel — which has been working with Chorus since 1989 on its PBX telecommunications equipment ( UX No 336 ) will now expand its use of the microkernel to such areas as process control systems within power stations and embedded transportation control systems — Alcatel products include the high-speed French TGV train system .
30 Through a cracked squinting window high up in a cracked squatting tenement , a 25 watt woman is wearily flattening her husband 's future shirt with a nearly-steaming iron in an environment where the purple sweat and aggro must eventually print its feeling on the creamy-browny ever so piled up non dish washy ever so squashy piled up feelings ever so — ironed out onto the stove under the sink beyond the plug-hole of anyone 's conception .
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