Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This may perhaps have corresponded to the last creation of the world , for the Maya believed that the world had been created and destroyed several times .
2 In the opening récit the oboes could only have played on the three-part ritournelle , presumably two treble oboes and a bassoon , as in the numerous wind trios in Lully 's later works .
3 This is an assumption or misunderstanding that can only have arisen from the curious vagaries of the student grants system in Britain .
4 Wagner 's profession of sympathy for Schopenhauer at the November meeting could only have come as the happiest of coincidences , while , in general , this first experience of the composer 's powerful personality confirmed and added to his new status : Wagner was at one with Schopenhauer and he was ( to Nietzsche 's way of thinking ) an artist such as Schopenhauer himself would have wished him .
5 Nor , if Cnut and his advisers sought models for his kingship , need they only have looked to the English past : there was also the European present .
6 The mother 's offer to cook the lunch may be a reassuring sign of the familiar to her son who may not long have departed from the parental home .
7 Had that guess of 3% proved right , GDP should comfortably have expanded by the same amount .
8 The epidemics of the hot , dry summers of the 1890s probably obscured an underlying decline in infant mortality which may already have begun by the 1880s .
9 So if some 500 million years ago , an astronaut , from some other planet passed near the earth , he could easily have noticed in the blue seas , a few new and mysterious turquoise shapes ; and from them he might have guessed that life on earth had really started .
10 At all stages the movement needs to be coached from the piano , but must always stay related to the recorded music .
11 This summer , I visited the Art Materials Exhibition and , to my surprise , I learnt more from watching paintings in action than I could ever have learnt from the so-called Teach Yourself books .
12 Without her work the power of the Habsburgs could hardly have survived in the predatory State system of eighteenth-century Europe .
13 For example , the Bank of England would hardly have hesitated in the old days to close down a bank like BCCI , knowing that few first-rate domestic institutions were prepared to deal with it in quantity .
14 Sam 's song is simple and obvious , coming from ‘ the voice of a forlorn and weary hobbit that no listening orc could possibly have mistaken for the clear song of an Elven-lord ’ .
15 But we had various versions of M1 , but we did n't ever get rid of the first version , so we could , the one that Suzannah did and then the one that I changed , and then the one that the Committee changed , all exist so that we can back track what we actually did .
16 Daily newspapers are now becoming popular , providing the first phase of what will later become known as the mass media .
17 For fear that those who disseminate racist propaganda would turn to newer mediums of communication , it was decided to deal explicitly and comprehensively with all forms of communication such as films , tapes , records and video recordings , f not all of which would unambiguously have fallen within the proposed law .
18 Had Andrewes remained in Cambridge , his reputation would probably have been unblemished but he would have lacked the stimulus to write the magnificent sermons which he preached at Court ; and he would not willingly have engaged in the controversial writing in which for the first time he set out the Anglican Church 's position in terms which European scholars could respect ; above all his Preces , even had they been written , would not have contained the breadth of experience , and the depth of feeling , based on that experience , which made them treasures of the Church .
19 After all , if you had asked him , Boy would probably have said for the first time in his life , yes , thank you I am very happy .
20 I never asked her , but I do n't imagine oral penetration figured as high on her list of priorities as it did on mine , and she could probably have done without the anal variety altogether .
21 If Tess had moved in his arms , they would both have fallen into the dangerous water .
22 If your husband retires on a Friday , it is unrealistic to think that your great new life together will take off with a flourish the following Monday ; but the good news is that if you can think in terms of allowing yourselves time to renegotiate the way you live together , the chances are that you will both have adjusted to the new situation within about two years .
23 How the other tribes lined up against Rome it is impossible to say , but the presence of army units in their territory probably kept the Corieltauvi and the Cornovii quiet , and this would also have applied to the northern Dobunni with a cavalry regiment at Cirencester , but their allegiance was to Rome anyway .
24 Again , species of Gigantochloa ( Gramineae ) in western Malesia were probably taken by humans from Burma , where the genus is certainly native , and other bamboos may also have travelled along the ancient maritime spice routes between China , India , Sri Lanka and Indonesia .
25 If she had been in a similar position she would also have called on the nearest colleague .
26 On the other hand , vascular insufficiency might also have contributed to the impaired peristalsis , because appreciable vascular deposits were seen in our AA cases .
27 Other factors may also have contributed to the large variability in prevalence rate of gastric metaplasia as mentioned in published works .
28 Most of them would also have borrowed in the open market , maybe from a clearing bank where they had a current account and the manager had allowed them to draw over and above what was in it — an overdraft ( the cheapest way of borrowing ? ) — or perhaps a Personal Loan .
29 But a substantial part must also have resulted from the new investment overseas which was now being wholly financed by borrowing overseas at a very low real rate of interest .
30 The most fertile birth cohort of women since the 1920s has been the women born around 1937 , who would mostly have married by the early 1960s .
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