Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pron] [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 If he is consistently having to refer back for support this will not only weaken his standing with the contractor , but it will cause uncertainty and delay to the contract .
2 ‘ I should so appreciate your help with the background . ’
3 Yet , faced with the necessity for resolute leadership , at this time of trial , Sir Patrick could only declare his satisfaction with the present policy and say he did not anticipate many changes .
4 Its nearness to his original Cork roots meant that he could easily retain his contact with the main body of the community , and it also kept him within fairly comfortable walking distance of the synagogue — an important consideration because of the religious law forbidding riding on the Sabbath or on solemn festivals .
5 There , many Europeans could hardly believe their ears with the excuses of why the British would not want to sign a European Charter on Environment and Health .
6 Mr Geoff Nichol , Darlington chief executive , had been asked to help with a project looking at community care but would still hold his position with the district , said Mr Smith .
7 It was decided to retain the added strips and to carefully balance their tonality with the original 's .
8 The US could also use its influence with the Salvadorean Government and army to achieve a ceasefire and eventual settlement , it was suggested .
9 The US could also use its influence with the Salvadorean Government and army to achieve a ceasefire and eventual settlement , it was suggested .
10 Alternatively , you can leave payment to us by electing to use either our Standing Order or Direct debit services , under which we will automatically debit your Account with the amounts due as required .
11 But if it was a very posh place er you 'd probably have your meals with the housekeeper , which we used to enjoy better really .
12 In my opinion , this empty disputation will eventually take its place with the many other myths of human evolution .
13 Lord Young declined to comment on the revelations contained in the memorandum or the confirmation by Sir Peter Gregson , permanent secretary at the DTI , that Britain has kept the deal secret because ‘ it would severely damage our relations with the European Commission ’ .
14 But can I really improve my relationship with the earth by going shopping ?
15 ‘ You do not often spend your time with the elderly , do you ? ’
16 Sexual abuse in the classroom : ca n't we even trust our teachers with the safety of our children ?
17 Would the daughter even remember her father with the perpetual presence of Hope to blot him out ?
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