Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [prep] [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 Lamb is another minor casualty ; he is all right to bat , but he can only throw in underarm at the moment because of a niggle , which at first was thought to be a reaction to an inoculation , but is now believed to be a minor ligament problem .
2 From a high dune vantage point one can only look in awe at the purple dappled carpet spread out below .
3 There was a lot of noise , much broken glass and Bernard and Laura could only guess with horror at the disreputable behaviour until they found evidence on the lawn the following morning .
4 But suddenly she was doubly shaken , and could only stare in astonishment at the tall , lean , aristocratic-looking man who had rounded that same corner in time to see all that had happened .
5 The bidder will usually appear by counsel at the court hearing to give its undertaking to comply with its obligations under the scheme ( eg to deliver the consideration to the target 's shareholders ) .
6 If an appreciable proportion of the laser radiation is absorbed by the sample , local heating will usually result in decomposition at the point of irradiation if the sample is a solid , though efficient convective mixing will often prevent overheating in liquid samples .
7 Despite all our scientific study of the physical world , one can still look with wonder at the panorama of ‘ ordinary ’ objects and events presented to us by our senses and can still — indeed should — ask the basic question : ‘ What is it all , fundamentally ? ’
8 You can also walk on water at the nearby Palace Pier where you can enjoy fun , food and fabulous views with the waves lapping beneath your feet .
9 Let us now look in detail at the linguistic abilities required to handle intentional mode explanations .
10 I shall certainly look with interest at the specific matters to which my hon. Friend has drawn attention .
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