Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [noun] [coord] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 In historically accurate terms these settled states had ceased to be colonies fourteen years before Howard 's death , but that probably did not much matter south and west of the Red River which forms the north-east boundary of what was then known as Tejas , or Tehas .
2 Modification of the fluids through washing thus not only changes the salt concentrations , but may also induce separation or aggregation of the particles , so that subsequent size analysis may not indicate the natural interrelationship between the particles during deposition or achieved since .
3 Because MRI is particularly well developed to differentiate between lipid and water , with further development , it may be possible to simultaneously measure transit and absorption of different nutrients in the gut , an area of measurement at present not possible with existing methods .
4 There is nothing to suggest any direct seigneurial interest in the plot or characters of the tale ; although the comedy of Dame Sirith does at least assume knowledge and recognition of the conventions of chivalric behaviour , it would be absurd to suggest that knowledge of such conventions was socially limited in any significant way in the later thirteenth century .
5 Vodafone Group Plc said yesterday it is to encourage the setting up of retail outlets that will offer a full range of cellular phones and after-sales service : it is not allowed to sell direct itself , but will jointly fund refurbishment and shopfitting of high street outlets with service providers and hopes to have 170 stores operating across the country by summer next year ; it looks to spend £10m over two years and aims for a shop on every major UK high street and up to 25 within the M25 London orbital motorway .
6 THE barbaric murder of Brian McDermott ensured that his family would never know normality or peace of mind again .
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