Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [noun] [unc] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 On the basis of the Karamanid document mentioned above , one would necessarily question Husameddin 's dating of the appointment , but there seems to be no reason to doubt the consensus of the early sources on the fact of it .
2 After beating him , they ransacked the house , but could only find £10 's worth of coins .
3 However , the Soviet ambassador to Syria , Aleksandr Zotov , said that while " the security needs of Syria are unquestionable " , the Soviet Union would no longer support Syria 's goal of " strategic parity " with Israel , but would support a " reasonable self-sufficiency " .
4 Oh , he could just imagine Philip 's display of outraged innocence and then the letter would come from the Pope .
5 After barely moving for most of the 1980s , monthly rents on prime commercial properties in western Berlin suddenly leapt from DM28 at the end of 1989 to DM65 a year later , bubbling up on hopes — now dashed — that the Bundesbank would move to the city , and on speculation that it will eventually become Germany 's seat of government .
6 This observation would also support Fries 's compression of morbidity thesis ( 1980 ) .
7 It will also assess women 's experience of health care provision in the light of their expressed needs .
8 Our GP told me that a drug called Dexamethazone , although in no way a cure , would probably help Nigel 's state of mind by reducing the pressure of the growth on his brain .
9 Who would today invent Britain 's House of Lords , a jumble of hereditary peers , bishops and judges , plus assorted notables ( or party hacks ) picked by successive prime ministers ?
10 Some could even accept Spencer 's philosophy of progress through struggle , because it seemed to offer an updated version of the Protestant work ethic in which thrift and industry were rewarded in this world as well as the next .
11 Or does it simply increase women 's fear of crime ?
12 In addition , many existing tests are decontextualised approaches which do not adequately assess children 's understanding of meaning .
13 King 's head for funny business has him periodically indulge in what Lewis describes as the ‘ tactics of fear ’ and the latest example has been to publicly demean Maloney 's management of Lewis .
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