Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] their [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 American insurers already reckon there is a $40bn ( about £26bn ) market for foreign investors brave enough to risk their capital in the old Soviet Union .
2 And that is excellent news for Reds manager Frankie Parks who is increasingly worried he wo n't have men fit enough to write their names on the team sheet .
3 The cod , he reported , were so thick in the water that his sailors had only to lower their baskets over the side to fill them with fish .
4 He said : ‘ I urge all those who are in a position to do so to use their influence on the men of violence from both sides of the community to end their murderous activities , and to create the only basis on which an enduring peace can be established . ’
5 Those bold enough to put their heads above the parapet — still by no means the majority — feel that to make demands even for basic freedoms is radical , in the present climate .
6 Anyone foolish enough to put their hand into the liquid suffers one automatic Wound per round of contact , regardless of armour and Toughness .
7 The South West need only to draw their game with the Midlands at Leicester 's Welford Road to lift the Championship title for the first time .
8 Even in the worst years of the Depression there were still people wealthy enough to give their cast-offs to the poor , and they did n't come much poorer than a Salvation Army officer 's family .
9 They remained long enough to give their name to the region of Italy where they settled , and to create the marcher duchy of Friuli as a buffer zone against attacks on their kingdom by the occupiers of the Sava-Danube lowlands — the Slavs and their overlords , the Avars .
10 The offering of gifts by the tribal chiefs and kings on behalf of their people was not only to demonstrate their obligation to the gods , but also to show the gods what the tribe needed from them ; usually greater wealth and greater victories over their enemies .
11 I 'm not referring to top secret information ; if the other parties are interested enough to hack their way into the system , they might be converted !
12 Natural selection obviously favours the most successful caterpillars , and these are the ones that hatch out early enough to get their jaws into the young , tender , comparatively tannin-free leaves .
13 She suggests that the people studied by Ellis were mainly those who were merely powerful or influential enough to get their names in the Dictionary of National Biography , rather than necessarily being intellectually creative .
14 It is Vic 's impression that English wildlife is getting streetwise , moving from the country into the city where the living is easier — where there are no traps , pesticides , hunters and sportsmen , but plenty of well-stocked garbage bins , and housewives like Marjorie , softhearted or softheaded enough to throw their scraps into the garden , creating animal soup-kitchens .
15 Also , Africans were expelled from some of their lands to make way for European settlers who then farmed commercially to sell their produce to the mine workers and other urban dwellers .
16 Meanwhile the Goldsmiths were taking steps finally to sever their connection with the School .
17 At Gary 's funeral , 500 people packed the church and 200 more were outside to pay their tributes to the well-loved lad who was known to his friends as ‘ The Main Man ’ because he organised holidays , football and much of their social lives .
18 I wanted to help these women to ‘ find a voice ’ and no longer to place their needs at the bottom of the list of priorities .
19 DEPORTIVO Coruna underlined their Spanish championship aspirations by thrashing Real Sociedad 5-1 yesterday to consolidate their position at the top of the league .
20 He visited residents yesterday to hear their grievances about the Durham County Council proposals .
21 Indeed , it is likely that both phenomena will be at work simultaneously within an industrial relations structure such as prevails in Britain where trade unions are anxious not only to protect the real wages of their members from erosion by exogenous price increases but also to preserve their position in the pecking order of wage differentials .
22 Their aim is to raise their game , but also to raise their profile amongst the sporting public .
23 The equity investors will be closely involved with the negotiation of the acquisition agreement , partly to lend their experience to the buy-out team , but more importantly to protect their future investment .
24 Women have' in their distress , been known repeatedly to bang their heads on the walls and floor to cut and injure themselves .
25 Marketing to Supplier companies will have to determine how most multi-individual buying effectively to market their products to the various structures and DMU 's roles identified in the previous section .
26 Erm Nick has obviously talked about the er , the phasing of the estate erm , just to point out that the reason for it , perhaps seeming a bit of long drawn out er affair , it 's , it 's a , a minimum time as far as erm , all the people who have been negotiating feel it 's achievable in if we are to make sure that the estate does n't remain a building site as as a as a total entity fo , at any time , so this site here will not commence until this site is completed so that there will be some er , rest bite for the bungalow residents and of course , somewhere to park their cars in the in the interim .
27 But neither Robson nor Charlton may be too keen now to expose their teams to the little nuances and shifts of psychological advantage that could have a bearing on the game in Cagliari on June 11 .
28 The 600,000 seals of the colonies of Cape Cross and Luderitz are being shot mainly to export their genitals to the far east for their supposed aphrodisiac quality .
29 They turned left to collect their horses from the stables .
30 He accused Bryan Gould and David Blunkett of speaking out purely to boost their vote in the party 's national executive elections next month .
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