Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] for the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Six UK cable television operators , Comcast Ltd , General Cable Ltd , Diamond Cable Ltd and three of the Baby Bells , Nynex Corp , Pacific Telesis Group Inc and Southwestern Bell Corp are coming together to apply for the Personal Communications Network frequencies freed up by the merger of the Unitel consortium with Mercury Personal Communications Ltd : the companies want licences to offer the cellular service within their franchise areas , CommunicationsWeek International says .
2 in the pool there was a win in the Welsh Championships for Karen Rake of the Maxwell Club in Aylesbury … that was the good news … the bad news her time of 34.48 was n't good enough to qualify for the European Championships
3 Sieving of this order of simplicity is not , on its own , enough to account for the massive amounts of nonrandom order that we see in living things .
4 Nor were the levels of resources available enough to pay for the increased skills needed for the more complex requirements of local administration .
5 If there are special political reasons then their use is justified to the extent that it enables individuals better to act for the ordinary reasons which apply to them .
6 ‘ Something 's got to give and it 's going to be Nottingham Forest , ’ said Palace striker Paul Williams , who has yet to score for the low-flying Eagles since trading places with Sheffield Wednesday-bound Mark Bright and a £1 million cash adjustment over two months ago .
7 Matthew , who must run 11 seconds faster to qualify for the English Schools Championships , said : ‘ It was very windy , especially on the back straight . ’
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