Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Because I changed out there , but we had to pay about five pounds just to change from one line to the other .
2 ‘ Kavanagh said the steak was n't great but that the lamb was good , ’ Maggie added but Moran was already on his way out again , muttering that not even simple things were made clear in this house and if simple things could n't be made clear how was a person ever to get from one day to the next in this world .
3 He obliged Oswiu not only to give his son , Ecgfrith , aged 10 , as a hostage — Penda sending the boy into the keeping of his queen , Cynewise , in Mercia ( HE III , 24 ) — but also to part with great treasure to Penda and his allies ( HB ch. 65 ) .
4 Now to extrapolate from this example to a general argument that familiarity of a subject is a disadvantage would clearly be absurd .
5 We come now to vote on this addendum to deliverance n number four and , since it is in print , we do n't need to ask the clerk to read it out for us , so therefore as , ask those who wish to vote for this addendum would you please stand .
6 And so his words , ‘ Bless those who persecute you ; bless and do not curse ’ sound like a counsel of perfection only if we fail to realise the process of transformation which is needed to enable us realistically to respond in this way to aggression from others .
7 The men would have to be well trained and supervised , not least to guard against incidental damage to native Galapagos animals .
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