Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the purpose of the article was not to provide a step by step guide to the workings of PCA ( see reference 1 ) , but rather to stimulate interest in the application of the technique .
2 Diego Maradona did most to restore Napoli to the top , creating headed goals ( 18 and 45 min ) for Andrea Carnevale and scoring a virtuoso third ( 84 ) .
3 Thus , for the purposes of the first three categories , sexual intercourse is defined gender neutrally to include penetration of the vagina or anus by any part of the body or by an object , introduction of the penis into the mouth and cunnilingus as well as the continuation of any such intercourse .
4 Nevertheless , their Lordships think it right to concentrate attention on the reasons given by Barnett J. for the order now under appeal .
5 I scoffed at such nonsense , and leapt up the beach , lanyard in hand , only to fall flat in the surf , as the waves turned sand from firm to quick .
6 Long enough to gather fertility from the winters of dead leaves , the rotting vegetation and the passage of cats , birds and dogs , shrews and voles , caterpillars and slugs .
7 But promoting an understanding of the benefits of large-scale development of nuclear power is not enough to assure acceptance of the siting of a nuclear power station at a particular place .
8 ( b ) That there is no satisfactory address for serving the summons either because he will not give an address , or it is doubtful if he will remain at the address long enough to accept service of the summons or is unable to furnish the name of anyone who would accept service on his behalf , e.g. social worker .
9 ‘ We have enough men for what is needed down there , but not enough to stand guard over the longhouses ; not until after the tide .
10 He urged the parliament swiftly to pass legislation including the abolition of trade monopolies , faster privatization ( especially of shops ) , agrarian reform and tighter credit and monetary policies .
11 As well as North sea oil , we have also been fortunate enough to discover gas in the North sea .
12 The prouder and more articulate seaman had seen his pay and status in continuous decline from 1815 when , at the , end of the Napoleonic wars , " the government , without the least consideration for those who had battled on the ocean in defence of their king and country , disbanded the Fleets and cast adrift some thousands of Seamen suddenly to find employment in the merchant service " .
13 A more oblique approach , a project of the elder James Stephen , was to create a central registry of slaves intended not only to provide evidence of the extent to which the anti-slave trade legislation was being evaded , but to illuminate the demographic trends within the slave population and indirectly the conditions and treatment of the bondsmen .
14 The introduction of cash crops and an increasing population acted together to increase pressure on the land significantly , in specific cases even to critical levels , such as in Ruanda and in the ‘ reserves ’ of Kenya and Zimbabwe .
15 This army arrived too late , and stopping only to destroy part of the Chaos Army 's rearguard , quickly turned back south in pursuit of the main Chaos force .
16 Each of these problems is similar enough to fall under the same broad heading but distinct enough to create confusion as the problem-solving proceeds .
17 They have only to look south of the border at some of the experiences of their former workmates within public sector bus operations to see what the alternative propositions might be .
18 In this case the materials which are used must be strong enough to withstand placement of the crown by the dentist and the subsequent stresses created during eating .
19 Unlike a petrol engine with a throttle , or accelerator , to vary the amount of fuel and air being sucked into the engine , diesel works on the principle that air in a cylinder will , if it is compressed , heat enough to ignite fuel without the use of a spark plug .
20 Enough to do picking up the threads of his own life .
21 Yet it is not enough merely to draw attention to the growth of what Marx called the ‘ light cavalry ’ of capitalism , without also observing a significant distinction within the developed countries ; or more precisely between the Old and New Worlds .
22 Overall , the objective is not only to give prominence to the life and work of a highly original and much underrated communist intellectual and novelist , but also to scrutinise the example of Nizan as a guiding principle for action in the present .
23 Instead of banning corporal punishment outright , however , it sought merely to give effect to the Court 's ruling .
24 ‘ Cameron — you are required below to give evidence before the Lord Advocate 's officers . ’
25 Just a brief run , enough to draw part of the defence towards the spot , and over it went with almost amazing accuracy to the other side of the field .
26 and I , I told him I was n't stupid enough to keep money in the house as an ex er as an ex lawyer and erm , where , er it so happened as I say that I talked to he , he did n't take any thing in fact at the end he apologise for having chosen the wrong house and he
27 It may also be that whereas the British kings intended to replace Oswiu with a more acceptable candidate , Penda sought only to reduce Oswiu to the status of a dependant and at the same time effectively to establish territories such as Lindsey as falling within a southumbrian Mercian orbit .
28 They fail entirely to distribute largesse to the locals and leave the door open again on their loud departures .
29 Dinah thanked her salary for the latter 's white-painted existence , and the fact that she had thrashed Lilian enough to ensure silence among the rest .
30 It is easy enough to send information at the speed of light : after all , we do exactly this when we wave at a friend or , to be more subtle , use any form of sign language .
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