Example sentences of "[adv] [vb mod] be [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As Lord Wilberforce said in Suisse Atlantique : One may safely say that the parties can not in a contract have contemplated that the clause should have so wide an ambit as in effect to deprive one party 's stipulations of all contractual force : to do so would be to reduce the contract to a mere declaration of intent .
2 Perhaps Althusser was unwilling to acknowledge this outright , because to do so would be to run the risk of departing from the fundamental Marxist doctrine asserting the primacy of the economic in social explanation .
3 Sinn Fein , the political wing of the IRA , did not co-operate because to do so would be to recognize the partition of Ireland .
4 The company hopes that between 10 million and 11 million passengers annually will be using the service within two years — 25 per cent more than used British Rail 's services on the two lines .
5 permission from the Association of Northern Ireland Car Clubs to opt out of the NI championship for one year only , but they have agreed and so will be running the event for vintage , historic and class cars only , ’ says William Heaney of the TSCC .
6 Now that 's instead of spinning round the moon is stationary in the sky , just for the sake of this Now , the moon on this side obviously will be attracting the water on the surface of the earth so you get a bulge in the sea here .
7 Turning away would be playing the game their way .
8 Now , shortly will be donning the mantle of a very demanding office and I 'm sure er that you will fulfil that office with dignity and respect ah and I wish you , on behalf of the Group , a very very happy and successful year to both you and your good lady .
9 Thus can be explained the attack led by the mediocre and unsuccessful ex-Worpswede painter Carl Vinnen against ‘ Non-German art ’ .
10 Forte will be providing the base product and Sequent the specialized capabilities like transaction management , parallel performance enhancement and legacy connectivity .
11 To burst it now would be to risk the messiness of it re-grouping , possibly cloning itself across the infected area and returning in a small battalion .
12 But she was trying to wean herself off them and to give in now would be to acknowledge the potency of the nightmare .
13 I am sure that my hon. Friend will agree that what we are doing through the national curriculum , and especially in the testing of seven , 11 , 14 and 16-year-olds , will ensure not only that we can monitor progress on standards , but that pupils who are falling behind will be given the assistance that they need to improve .
14 Video 's role now can be to provide the variety , interest and stimulation which are very important at this stage when motivation is often beginning to wane .
15 right would be putting the B side in but you 've got ta start with A.
16 That surely could be rewrote the prayers on the lectern .
17 The aim here would be to enable the patient to recognize the common precipitants of the feelings which precede cutting and then to take appropriate action to prevent these feelings mounting up to the state of extreme tension which is associated with cutting .
18 It is possible , technically , to control these discharges — but to take action here would be to involve the owners in an expenditure regarded as totally unjustifiable in the context of their limited means and the modest potential for damage .
19 It is proposed that staff will move to their new positions within Council Tax with effect from 29 March 1993 and files , personal possessions etc will be moved the weekend prior to this date .
20 The operative sense expressed by know and the reason for the occurrence of the bare infinitive having been defined above , our job here will be to delimit the use of the to infinitive construction .
21 Oh , and by the way , ’ he added smugly , ‘ I and my friends here will be claiming the King 's Huge Reward .
22 This has the great advantage that , from S1 , able pupils can be moved into a more challenging group , while those who find the pace too fast can be given the chance to catch up before they become discouraged .
23 Its motto was ‘ Service , Sacrifice , Suffering ’ — not , one might have supposed , very different from the teaching of Christ — but its final goal was announced as ‘ a political party embracing the whole of West Africa , whose policy then shall be to maintain the Union of African Socialist Republics ’ .
24 I did n't think anyone else would be using the pool this early . ’
25 With some research topics , such as asking people to say what criminal offences they have committed , the only chance of getting any truthful answers would be with a guarantee that the answers would be confidential ( no one else would be told the answers given by a particular individual ) , and the best way of ensuring this is to allow respondents not to give their names ( anonymity ) .
26 Mr Marchant said one way ahead would be to run the concerts on a subscription basis , with members paying in advance to attend the concerts .
27 " I too shall be attending the ceremonies prior to a few days ' relaxation at the hill station of Dalat . "
28 She may appear to become quite self= centred , and those who have been doing all they can to help her may become exasperated and tempted to hint that it is time she tried to ‘ pull herself together ’ , for by then they too will be feeling the strain .
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