Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] [prep] the [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Right down at the bottom there by the apple tree .
2 Aye right down to the shore there .
3 Condom culture extends right down to the kindergarten where games of ‘ Aids tag ’ are now occurring .
4 I know which it is but it 's somewhere down in the corner where your brother used to live that corner down there Harry somewhere down there .
5 As the dust spun slowly down through the sunlight on to Miss Harker 's silent form , he waited patiently at her elbow like a wizened monkey whose master , the organ-grinder , has fallen asleep and forgotten to start the music .
6 Tessa watched him , completely absorbed in him , as he sat wearily down at the table again , located the brown sugar among the remains of the breakfast things , and dug a spoonful out to lick at .
7 Gav stood by the hall table , shifting his weight from side to side and glancing nervously down at the phone now and again .
8 But only down to the tiles so mine 'd only be half way .
9 Clipboard held tightly under her arm , she strode purposefully over to the area where the thousands of drums were stacked in a sprawled , looming maze .
10 Yeah probably so yeah , and at this time of year they 're fetching so ridiculous in low money anyway , probably better off in the summer when the lads want to go out , out and about , well they 're not bothered now nobody wants to go anywhere do they ?
11 And he said well come on then we 're stuck halfway up on the kerb here .
12 Over the crest at the High Cross , erupting suddenly out of the declivity beyond , and certainly from the Welsh gate , the hard drumming of hooves burst upon their ears , coming at a gallop .
13 The trolled and gargoyled buttresses wheel around you through rifts in the cloud ; they stretch , soar , disappear , solidify again suddenly out of the vapour then drift impossibly far up into the mist until your senses reel at the evanescent dynamism of the scene .
14 A bat may appear suddenly out of the dark close to a moth .
15 One advantage of this approach is that you become accustomed to the throttle setting which will allow the model to settle gently back to the ground rather than falling rapidly .
16 A few people still remained with them when they reached the floor he wanted , and he pushed her gently out of the lift ahead of him .
17 As he expected , this path , newly uncovered by the rockfall , led him impossibly back to the tunnel where Urnst had dropped the glove .
18 And pave right over to the gate there so you , so that you can get either car out one one car and bring up to the back of here and the other two across there .
19 This in itself created a double problem because the action of this scene moves from a point where Nicholson is talking normally right through to the point where he is stoned and slurred through smoking marijuana .
20 On the right side the hedgerow ran parallel with the road as it sloped away down to the crossroads where we had had so much trouble yesterday .
21 And that 's just over to the shop there , just over the at the other side of the road .
22 Our film stock and equipment , which comprised some nine-tenths of our travelling weight , had to be husbanded first past the Pac-Man thicket of Customs and Immigration , thence through unpredictable months in the jungles , and finally out of the country again intact and undetained .
23 Thus out of the middle only 27 will have any chance of getting into the top flight and then only into the second round of the Pilkington Cup .
24 He tucked the knife behind his seat and climbed backwards out of the cab down onto the loose stones and sand .
25 Oh , she could fall into Dane 's arms easily enough ; she 'd discovered to her cost just how easily out in the snow today .
26 Today 's news will come as a blow for British Agriculture minister John Gummer , who is just back from the US where he had been fighting to prevent the breakdown of the talks .
27 Today 's news will come as a blow for British Agriculture minister John Gummer , who is just back from the US where he had been fighting to prevent the breakdown of the talks .
28 She is just back from the States where she was on-stage singer with the Cincinnati Ballet 's production of the folk ballet ‘ Sergeant Early 's Dream ’ , with musical partners The Chieftains .
29 Using the other person 's name early on in the transaction also helps establish rapport , so long as it is n't inappropriately familiar or done in a routine , ‘ mechanical ’ way .
30 I decided that I would have to get to the Butcher 's office first or at least early on in the queue so that I would be barefoot for as short a time as possible .
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