Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] an [adj] part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 IL-8 presumably plays an important part in neutrophil diapedesis through vascular endothelium and focal recruitment at inflamed sites .
2 Experience of being in the pew naturally plays an important part in forming perceptions of how to plan and conduct worship , and the place of music within it .
3 Practical work is an important part of the education of all engineers and so forms an integral part of all four years of the course .
4 The musical tradition of Free Churches originated in the singing of metrical psalms by the whole congregation , and psalm-singing still plays an important part in their worship .
5 In Central South we 're landlocked but boating still plays an important part in our leisure and local economy … so let's set sail to London to see the show
6 Mr Bill Dixon Smith ( Tory ) used to be a near neighbour until recently , but although I understand he is still in the area I have no idea if he still takes an active part in the council elections .
7 The old Port Mill still forms an important part of that complex , and to Bensons ' credit , is beautifully maintained and landscaped .
8 Weaving also plays an essential part in the practical life of the tribe , providing the floor coverings , tent hangings , bags and functional artifacts that constitute the furniture and furnishings of the nomadic way of life .
9 Symbolism also plays an important part of ‘ Great Expectations ’ .
10 Money also plays an important part of marriage .
11 Fieldwork also forms an integral part of the curriculum .
12 The TMI-2 accident now forms an important part of the considerable experience available to us from PWR operations around the world , and this summary shows that the CEGB and NNC must carefully assess and analyse the accident if they are to be certain that all of the relevant lessons from it have been satisfactorily incorporated in the British PWR .
13 Dieting almost seems an integral part of adult female behaviour .
14 It therefore plays an important part in the extent of the vocabulary acquired for use in everyday living .
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