Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] an [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 IL-8 presumably plays an important part in neutrophil diapedesis through vascular endothelium and focal recruitment at inflamed sites .
2 Experience of being in the pew naturally plays an important part in forming perceptions of how to plan and conduct worship , and the place of music within it .
3 Deep modulation at frequencies -I " is clearly only possible if " , so we still require a " bad cavity " , and we may note that the spectral holes form and refill on a time scale which thus plays an important role in the phenomenon : it has been claimed { 20 } that " population pulsations ' are the primary source of the instability .
4 Our application of these ready-made stories and stereotypes to our lives may not be particularly apt , but the web of intertextual concepts which forms the substrata of our experience nevertheless plays an inescapable role in our lives .
5 Evans Medical Limited already has an established reputation in the UK pharmaceutical market in biological products , generics and proprietary medicines .
6 ONE OF THE beauties of cricket is that he who falls can rise again or , as the Captain once put it , ‘ He who normally fills an insignificant gap in the ramparts one day awakes to find his cannon blazing in glory . ’
7 The conclusion from psychological research that information processing is unusual in psychotic individuals thus finds an exact parallel in theories emphasising the functioning of the corpus callosum as the physiological vehicle for psychosis .
8 The poem above provokes an amused response in many of us , but we urgently need to create a safe place in which the mask can be dropped : such a place may be the healing prayer partnership described above , or it can equally well be the properly functioning housegroup .
9 Durkheim 's investigations into religion , with their historic results , were prompted by the fact that he saw religion as the major source of values and , despite increasing secularisation , religion still plays an influential role in society 's moral codes .
10 The musical tradition of Free Churches originated in the singing of metrical psalms by the whole congregation , and psalm-singing still plays an important part in their worship .
11 In Central South we 're landlocked but boating still plays an important part in our leisure and local economy … so let's set sail to London to see the show
12 The film world still has an outdated generosity in its dealings with actors .
13 The empirical question , then , is whether common sense has been so changed by the new materialist hegemony , or whether , as Gramsci believed , it still has an independent existence in modern consciousness .
14 Michael believes that ARM still has an important role in continuing the impetus of renewal and I am sure we will find his ministry an encouragement .
15 However , we need to start with an older , non-digital technology which still has an important role in current developments .
16 Mr Bill Dixon Smith ( Tory ) used to be a near neighbour until recently , but although I understand he is still in the area I have no idea if he still takes an active part in the council elections .
17 The Gulf Families Association has now wound up but Mr Lloyd still takes an active role in the Gulf Crisis Line … a counselling charity for servicemen and their families .
18 He still takes an active interest in Henley Regatta , where he is a steward .
19 Weaving also plays an essential part in the practical life of the tribe , providing the floor coverings , tent hangings , bags and functional artifacts that constitute the furniture and furnishings of the nomadic way of life .
20 Apoptosis also plays an important role in the ever-present battle against infection .
21 In addition to its low level and the discouragement of part-time work , ICA also plays an important role in structuring the financial dependency of women care-givers .
22 Also of potential importance concerning genetically determined individual variation in alcohol metabolism , is the gene encoding the ethanol inducible form of cytochrome P-450 , P450IIE1 ; this enzyme probably plays an important role in alcohol metabolism in chronic alcoholics following enzyme induction .
23 BKW also offers an umbilical system in which the injectors are tractor mounted and fed through 200–600m of abrasion resistant hose .
24 The 1907 Hague Convention IV also contains an important provision in the preamble to the main convention , in what has come to be known as the Martens clause .
25 Role-play or drama also has an important place in history teaching with young children .
26 Education also has an important role in the mental health field .
27 As well as addressing some of the major policy issues affecting the sector , N C V O also has an important role in helping voluntary organisations to do their job better .
28 Diego , married with two daughters , also has an illegitimate son in Naples .
29 But it also includes an interesting innovation in relation to companies listed on The Stock Exchange and to this we turn first .
30 His work also shows an individual style in the shape of his leaf patterns which are very pointed with only slightly curved sides and a central spine .
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