Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This presumably refers to devotional access to the rood-loft ( by newel stair or ladder ) .
2 Any analytic approach in linguistics which involves contextual considerations , necessarily belongs to that area of language study called pragmatics .
3 ( This account obviously stands in marked contrast to Foucault 's explanation of the same historical phenomenon . )
4 If you do want to portray an older figure , it would be preferable to try Hermione in The Winter 's Tale — she is a more fantastical character , without the added complications of historical authenticity , and so allows for greater flexibility of characterisation .
5 Much depends on organised pressure by local concerned interests and individuals resident in the ‘ salmon constituencies ’ of Scotland .
6 Erm , I would have to say that 's going to be in the range of five hundred to six hundred , and very much depends to some extent on what happens in the winter months , and I 'm sorry to keep stressing this point , but we have n't yet got twelve months ' experience of operating this particular change , and until we 've got at least a year 's experience , and I think one would have to say , that some of the figures need to be portioned , but equally , you ca n't afford to be too cavalier in terms of your assumptions about that demand might reduce to , and I 'll touch a little later on how you control expenditure in those terms .
7 At the moment all depends on good success in Ireland .
8 The principle underlying this treatment method is the certainty that the central nervous system is capable of recovering function despite being damaged : any lesion in the brain , such as a blood clot , only interferes with one part of the brain , while other parts of the brain , plus the spinal cord , are left undamaged .
9 The value placed on this formal approach is reminiscent of American New Criticism , and also of Russian Formalism and the work of Roman Jakobson — all of whom Genette approvingly cites in this essay on structuralism and literary criticism .
10 Their delicacy is indicated by the opening air raid siren of the opening track which suddenly explodes into New Age of Total Warfare .
11 The advent of small sample systems , in particular accelerator mass spectrometry ( AMS , see p. 122 ) has placed all but the very smallest objects within reach of radiocarbon : AMS only requires about 1 milligram of carbon .
12 In 1816 she satirizes the rambling , retrospective structure of the Gothic novel , producing a satiric plan for one such story , where the scene constantly shifts from one set of people to another , and the greater part of the first volume is taken up with a narration , by the heroine 's father , of past events in his various life .
13 However , it is only open to those who already hold the overpriced asset and so relies on this group of investors trading sufficient assets to move the relative prices of the shares in the index and index futures back into line .
14 EVOLUTION basically consists of endless repetition of REPRODUCTION .
15 Another example is Beatrix Potter , who has recently undergone a great deal of research to establish which are truly ‘ firsts ’ and which are only reprints without any indication of the fact .
16 This vaccination is extremely effective but it only guards against one type of meningitis Mothers should be aware of the symptoms because early diagnosis could mean the difference between life and death .
17 Pointless VII , 6 is a major Ben face route involving long runouts on thin ice with poor belays .
18 Moreover , he only works on one picture at a time and only by natural daylight .
19 The rhythmic movement of volumes and planes in space is so basic in Cézanne 's design that it usually extends to the treatment of the background — whether that be sky , wall or drapery — and makes it serve the dual purpose of a screenlike area or space boundary and of a rhythmic sequence of semivoluminous planes which continue the movement of the units in the middleground and foreground ; this sequential ordering thus contributes to compositional unity in the widest sense as well as to the expressive movement of the total form .
20 He thus belongs to that school of thought that believes in the importance of the ‘ mark . ’
21 One of the best starts for later work in public relations , and one which can sometimes prove a route into a job , is working for a charity , organization or event which needs publicity .
22 It generally occurs as fracture-hosted mineralisation in late Dinantian to early Namurian platform carbonates adjacent to Carboniferous shale-dominated basins .
23 Sophisticated software already exists at moderate cost to effectively undertake critical path analyses .
24 In part , these studies have been designed to improve scientific knowledge of river systems and in part to improve the ability of hydrologists to forecast how changes in land use , for example through increasing urbanization , will affect river levels ( though the two are not necessarily distinct — improved scientific knowledge generally leads to improved accuracy in forecasting ) .
25 Unfortunately no situations arose during field-work where the neighbourhood police were required to use these secondary recipes , although one did state how sympathetic he felt towards adolescents in parts of Easton because ‘ they do n't stand a chance ’ there , a feeling which easily translates into sympathetic handling of situations in which youths are involved .
26 For instance when amplifying Y-chromosome derived sequences in humans , the control normally consists of simultaneous amplification of a locus on the X-chromosome ( 1 ) or on an autosome ( 2 ) .
27 This increasing castor thus compensates for any inclination of the car on the rear axle .
28 Best catches from deeper water below Langport town bridge .
29 Cod to 9 lb with the best catches from Baggy Point along the coast to Ilfracombe and on to Coombe Martin .
30 The IBOA fundamentally disagrees with this course of action as the clarification document which resulted from the Labour Court Recommendation 13601 clearly indicates times for opening from 10.00a.m. to 4.00p.m. uninterrupted with one late opening day .
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