Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This column shows whether this module is available immediately on line ( ON LINE ) or only exists in off line storage ( OFFLINE ) .
2 This column shows whether this module is available immediately on line ( ON LINE ) or only exists in off line storage ( OFFLINE ) .
3 This column shows whether the module is available immediately on line ( ON ) or only exists in off line storage ( OFF ) .
4 This column shows whether the module is available immediately on line ( ON ) or only exists in off line storage ( OFF ) .
5 This column shows whether this module is available immediately on line ( ONLINE ) or only exists in off line storage ( OFFLINE ) .
6 This column shows whether this module is available immediately on line ( ON LINE ) or only exists in off line storage ( OFFLINE ) .
7 For example , G above refers only to government consumption expenditure rather than all government expenditure , which would also include spending on fixed assets ; this item is in fact included under gross domestic fixed capital formation .
8 The comment about Tape Unit 18 made above applies also to Tape Unit 19 : at first hearing it seems very difficult , but when worked on step by step it is far from impossible .
9 This warm current generally flows around about Christmas time ( which in the southern hemisphere of course is in summer ) and so the local people call it ‘ El Niño ’ , which means ‘ the little child ’ , referring to the Christ child .
10 I pour it into the remainder of my old drink , so that it still tastes faintly of orange juice .
11 It is perhaps even more worrying that this kind of advice also turns up in assertiveness training texts and manuals used to train women in business .
12 The appointment also says much about quango politics in Conservative Wales .
13 In tropical countries , where disease due to D. viviparus may occur intermittently , the epidemiology is presumably quite different and probably depends more on pasture contamination by carrier animals such as may occur during flooding when cattle congregate on damp , high areas , rather than on the prolonged survival of infected larvae .
14 The poll is not analysed , but it is striking that countries where pollution from cars has become a major problem have the highest percentages of people who believe that the state of the environment requires urgent action : 85 per cent in Italy ( at the top of the list ) , where Milan , one of the world 's smoggiest cities , now has car-free days and the capital Rome also suffers severely from vehicle congestion and pollution ; 84 per cent in Greece , where restrictions on cars in Athens are imposed to save the citizens ' lungs and their ancient monuments ; 80 per cent in the most vehicle emission-conscious country in Europe , West Germany , whose dead trees have become the symbol of pollution .
15 However , unlike ventricular fibrillation caused by coronary artery disease or other organic heart conditions , the tachyarrhythmia in LQTS subjects often reverts spontaneously to sinus rhythm , whereupon the patient regains consciousness .
16 The scheme frequently ties in with work experience either at a dealership or at Rover .
17 Many four or five-year-olds do n't like using the school loo because it 's often dirty , allows no privacy and frequently runs out of loo paper .
18 Otherwise , the bag is a big , nylon pastel effort that expands to the size of a small marquee and then folds away to postage stamp size ( except that , like a map , once unfurled it 's hellish folding it back again ) .
19 According to the researchers , the new cell actually works better under cloud cover than in full sunlight .
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