Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 It seemed bigger than the sun and it sailed with a peculiar swiftness up into the heavens , growing paler and brighter as it did so until it lit up the plain with a dull , yellow light .
2 They both produced nationalist movements in the 19th century , perhaps because they inhabited almost the only two parts of Spain to have an industrial revolution then .
3 But in the end it was n't enough because they had n't the courage to confront and defy the handful of men who control the trade union bureaucracy .
4 I mean , it 's not all that long since they threw out the Tsar , is it .
5 Lydia realised this afresh when she came downstairs the following morning .
6 Not so long as they handed over the pound notes — though smiling Clyde took most of those , the greedy sod .
7 Charming she thought , feeling acutely humiliated , especially as it drove home the fact that she 'd made little or no impact upon this man .
8 Melissa smiled fondly as she put down the phone .
9 It shone through , not only by the dedication she demonstrated to earn her outstanding successes internationally in both lawn tennis and golf but — in a way — even more so as she faced up the cruel two-year reality of fighting a terminal illness until her recent death at the age of 45 .
10 But after 74 miles , they were all together as they charged up the last climb to the finishing line .
11 I sang down the Bottom Club , so when I went down the next week the manager said I 've just been waiting for you , I 've been waiting for you to come in he said so he said , look the group ca n't come he said , will you sing ?
12 So when he woke up the donkey was looking at him .
13 In the echo of the receding explosions and the sulphurous cordite of the rockfall , I said to Steve we might live longer if we abseiled down the rocky left side of the icefield , well away from the fall line .
14 Yeah but , like you say that the to find , to find out the real truth you have to refer to Hebrew anyway because they found out the sacred secret of God did n't they ?
15 Opinions about timetabling motions have altered massively since I took over the chairmanship of the Select Committee on Procedure nearly nine years ago .
16 Shortly before he took up the study of genetics , the American biologist Thomas Hunt Morgan wrote a book , Evolution and Adaptation ( 1903 ) , arguing that evolution was governed solely by the production of saltations , and had nothing to do with adapting the species to its environment .
17 I said yes , but filling all my early evenings with this would prove rather inconvenient on those occasions when I wanted to go out , so we agreed a system whereby I would do some of the work first thing in the morning and the rest of it just after I closed down the switchboard .
18 Soon after he got there the atom bomb all but ended the issue and certainly ended all active prospects for the latest intake of air crew .
19 The latest and most thorough had been completed just before I took over the chairman-ship .
20 By rights she should be sleeping the sleep of the just by now , she realised despondently as she switched on the bedside lamp — instead she 'd been reliving everything over and over in her mind .
21 I had no intention then , or ever after , of joining any group or ‘ movement ’ and I therefore sidestepped the Vorticists just as I sidestepped both the Imagists and the Amygists .
22 But suddenly , just as I grabbed up the half-eroded head of a carved-stone monkey , I found my finger caught so fast between its gritty teeth that a gasp broke from me .
23 Just as she came out the council she said I I 'm just outside the council offices ringing you .
24 ‘ I 'll give you fifteen minutes ; then I 'm coming back in , ’ he said , putting his head round the door just as she threw back the covers .
25 His code was no problem ; had n't she seen it enough times anyway when he powered up the network ?
26 It was also noticed that he ceased to whistle unconsciously as he walked up the aisle from the vestry .
27 She saw Elaine as soon as she walked up the planked wooden steps to the bar , and noticed as she drew closer that her friend was already tipsy .
28 As soon as she picked up the receiver I 'd say , ‘ It 's Robina , ’ and then cut off .
29 " Essoldo Cinema , good morning , " it said again , as soon as she picked up the receiver in the hall .
30 And as soon as he got home the pressure was off
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