Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It follows from this that there has never been , and never could be , an empirical human society of other than miniscule size in which all the individuals were , even approximately , " equal " , other perhaps than in the theological sense of " equal before God " .
2 So although in a liberal democracy it would seem practical and even suitable for the police to have a say in the way order is defined and maintained , as Foucault ( 1970 ) and Douglas ( 1987 ) have shown , this will inevitably take on an expansionist line ; for anything other than bland support of the proposals of the institution will present a challenge or pose a threat .
3 At the same time the general level of wealth in this unremarkable corner of the East Midlands , peopled entirely by peasant farmers , with a leavening of yeomen and only a handful of rich squires , was lower only than on the fertile cornlands of Norfolk and in the opulent Stour Valley manufacturing district — higher not only than in other , similar regions but also Berkshire , which the yield of the loans , 1522 — 3 , placed fifth jointly with Suffolk , and Gloucestershire which shared fourteenth place with Rutland itself .
4 The model including a recessive major locus gave a better fit than the model including an additive or a dominant locus , but the fit was not significantly better than for the multifactorial model with or without a generational difference .
5 ‘ We have got to be a lot , lot better than in the Canadian game , but I have no doubt we will be , ’ he said .
6 I t was colder inside than in the open air .
7 The variable linker region is 15 ( Pit-1 ) to 30 amino acids long ( Dpou28 ) , while the POU HD , as defined by Laughton ( 22 ) , is 60 amino acids long except for the inhibitory POU protein I-pou from Drosophila which is unable to bind DNA due to a deletion of amino acids 2 and 3 in the basic N-termins of the POU HD ( 16 ) .
8 On the other hand , tasks of party management and maintaining Cabinet cohesion are more insistent , though perhaps less so than for a German Chancellor or Italian Premier .
9 It would be very suitable for horses , even more so than on the present roads there 's there 's there 's a better grip .
10 BRIAN SHAW , the former leading male virtuoso dancer in the Royal Ballet , who has died aged 63 , was a meticulous and suave performer , never more so than as the male partner in the Bluebird pas de deux in Sleeping Beauty .
11 At least out here they had to play according to some sort of standard of fairness , even if it was a standard they could change as they went along according to how it suited them ( like doubling the bus fares just after he 'd found that job way out in Brentford ) , but in prison , even more so than in a mental hospital , there were no real limits to what they could do to him .
12 During their training , emphasis is on the practice of the theory , much more so than in the usual training of teachers .
13 More so than in the first leg .
14 Though large families are less widespread in the twentieth century , the large family still remains vulnerable to poverty , if relatively less so than in the nineteenth century .
15 No more so than in the 20th minute , when Steve Bruce rolled the ball back to him and from 25 yards he hit a low , left-foot shot through a crowd of players to give United the lead .
16 The track that Mr Foyt made his second home has changed over the years , but perhaps no more so than in the past year .
17 In theory , a wound ball with the maximum initial velocity allowable , 255 feet per second , at 65°F , will fly some 10 yards less than at the standard temperature .
18 In the NIPPV group , mortality within 30 days was less than with the conventional treatment group : 1/26 vs 9/30 ( relative risk=0.13 , CI=0.02 to 0.95 , p=0.014 ) .
19 The result was a blow for the Liberal Democrats , who polled nearly 1,000 votes less than in the 1987 election .
20 Total imports of crude oil in the first 10 months of 1989 were 2,380,000 tonnes less than in the corresponding period in 1988 , but cost $36,970,000 more .
21 The absolute loss of population from the cores of Greater London , Greater Manchester and Merseyside was less than in the previous decade , but population growth is now firmly identified with smaller towns and accessible settlements in the countryside .
22 This suggests that the boundaries of acceptable behaviour lie beyond mere unreasonableness , that the directors would have been liable only if on no tenable view of the facts could their actions have benefited the company : in other words , if they had behaved in a way that was perverse .
23 At present , such guidelines require that options may not be exercised until at least five years from their date of grant and then only if over a five year period following the date of grant the Company has achieved growth in earnings per share which exceeds the growth in the Retail Prices Index by at least ten percentage points .
24 Dicta to the contrary in McPhail v Persons Unknown [ 1973 ] 3 All ER 393 are thought to be applicable only if in the High Court .
25 In a provocative comparison of the failures of the French and Russian revolutions , he argued that the problem stemmed from the fact that no class , whether proletarian or bourgeoisie , can become the ruling class without taking upon itself something of the historical role of a ruling class — especially if at the same time it also considers that , history carries within itself its own cure' :
26 Talks with Saudi Arabia on the border dispute , initiated in Geneva in July [ see pp. 38886 ; 39030 ] , resumed in Riyadh on Sept. 29 , but were suspended a week later , apparently until after the Yemeni elections .
27 Whilst both sets of traditions talk in personal terms of God , it seems that the Near Eastern religions , perhaps because of a stronger sense of historical progress , have developed further the idea of God as an historical agent — someone who has revealed His hand by associating with particular events and claiming them as His own .
28 The producer may have to insist that Production Company A is more suitable to make the film than Production Company B. Perhaps because of the show-business nature of producing for TV , creative teams can want to take charge which can prove a disaster .
29 In this case it seems that the structure of the drama has made it too easy for the children — perhaps because of the non-confrontational role adopted by the teacher as messenger early on , when he was excited and enthusiastic about the railway and its effect on another town .
30 They have also never been perceived by the state as a threat , perhaps because of the revolutionary pedigree of some of their élite .
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