Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Paragraph 21 exposes a gap , pointing out that an innocent acquisition followed by a dishonest decision to keep or dispose of the property was in general not larceny and that larceny by finding was committed only where at the time of the finding the finder believed that the owner could be discovered by taking reasonable steps .
2 I do n't think so except for the relation to domestics .
3 So although for the majority of cases that a fatal as a result of diphtheria the fact that , due actually to the pharyngitis and the pseudo- membrane obstructing the respiratory passage .
4 If the preceding birth interval is five ( in some cases even four ) years or longer , the chances of surviving infancy become poorer again , though considerably better than in the case of short spaced infants ( less than two years ) .
5 The combination of high unemployment and the unprecedented unwillingness of some at least of the unemployed to accept their fate passively , demonstrated more starkly than before the absence of systematic public provision fur the unemployed .
6 Film can cruelly expose limitations , and nowhere more so than in the case of the gloomy Dane and the blue-eyed wonder .
7 Never more so than in the case of those which are sick and injured , including wild animals .
8 As always with Mussorgsky , and never more so than in the case of this opera , the issues are complicated ; and though most of the work 's admirer 's would now agree that Shostakovich 's orchestration is closer to the spirit of a composer he deeply admired than that of Rimsky-Korsakov , whose admiration led him to wish to ‘ sell ’ the work in the West , there are reservations to be made .
9 This is clearly very much open to the critique based upon renegotiation-proofness , even more so than in the case without uncertainty .
10 In no field of human endeavour was this more so than in the advancement of knowledge , in ‘ science ’ .
11 We are in a decade when the timeless truth of John Wesley 's words is apparent , and nowhere more so than in the realm of church planting .
12 The two Education Acts of 1986 and 1988 brought about some revolutionary changes in education — nowhere more so than in the role of governing bodies .
13 The same people , however , demanded a high standard from public works and nowhere more so than in the domain of street lighting .
14 Nowhere is this more so than in the sub-division of crime fiction that I have labelled the " crime novel " .
15 The amount of time , officer time taken to process an application for a modification to an existing permission is still substantial and in some cases can be even more than that per a new proposal , but in those circumstances , and this is just by way of illustration because the the actual fee regime is , is very variable , by way of illustration the fee chargeable for a a , a modification is much less than for the application as a whole er f for , for the er er working as a whole .
16 Re-writing the partnership agreement will not be a practicable exercise in larger firms , although in certain circumstances it may become necessary , eg if in the course of negotiations with a new partner some hitherto unsuspected inadequacy is revealed .
17 But it was still a steam railway and remained so until after the turn of the century .
18 As with an unsigned contractual document , this method of incorporation will work only if at the time of making the contract the buyer actually knew of the existence of the terms or else reasonable steps had been taken to bring them to his attention .
19 so if at the bottom of page one , three , four there is the benefit to the residence of a hundred and eight pounds , when does that come into consideration in the year ending August nineteen ninety one , or the year ending August nineteen ninety two ?
20 so if in the middle of the page you write day one let's just summarise er what we did yesterday .
21 So if by the end of tomorrow we can say yes we 've achieved all that have have we got a course ?
22 Some of the smallest have been found at West Stow , perhaps because of the weakness of the sandy subsoil on which it was built ( Figure 2.4 ) .
23 Readings were only normal when I was walking , perhaps because of the tendency of exertion to increase body temperature .
24 However , it is also an area where great failures can occur , despite or perhaps because of the presence of such people .
25 Perhaps because of the influence of Juliete De Valero Wills , now divorced from Andy but still a company director , Go !
26 THE number of avalanche deaths in the main Alpine countries has dropped by as much as 70 per cent — perhaps because of the consistency of snow cover throughout the winter .
27 Well ha , perhaps because of the size of the country then there maybe more stations than in France , or maybe it 's just the way the satellite is pointing to pick up you know , you just happen to pick up more German stations , I do n't know !
28 Men tend to put greater store by their work once there are children ( perhaps because of the burden of being the sole earner , and perhaps because their place at work is not unchallenged in the way it may be at home ) and housework , which before may have been shared equally , often now falls to the woman .
29 Somehow , perhaps because of the retention of the ancient stones and bell tone , the air of monastic mystery and peace pervades to this day and is easily absorbed in this small environment of stillness and solitude .
30 The DNA-binding domain of CAP consists of residues 135–205 and includes helices D , E and F. But , perhaps because of the irregularity in the second helix of the NMR structure of GH5 , it was concluded that there was no correspondence between helix II of GH5 and helix E of CAP and that there was no helix-turn-helix motif in GH5 .
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