Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [noun pl] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 God I 've got just so many spots at the moment .
2 I 've got so many problems at the moment .
3 One after another , men failed in their attempts to drive the nails , usually succeeding in bending them , so I was proud when Dad , using the skill gained over so many years at the anvil , gave his nail an almighty thump sending it through to the other side of the board .
4 There were so many mourners at the funeral that some had to stand at the back and listen to the service relayed by loudspeakers .
5 Paul Girouard in The Return to Camelot pointed out that the chivalric code of conduct ‘ never recovered from the Great War partly because the War itself was such a shattering of illusions , partly because it helped to produce a world in which the necessary conditions for chivalry were increasingly absent ’ and that the absence of so many men at the Front ‘ had put women in a position of responsibility which made many of them distrust chivalry as a form of concealed slavery ’ .
6 The last time Willie had had so many children at the cottage he had been sick .
7 It was more practicable to do this for a district or industry , since firm-by-firm bargaining was precluded for want of suitable union organisation to bring together all employees at the workplace .
8 Everything else — the floor has been raised , so all publications at the consumer level are slick and there is no bad , just bad layout .
9 Were there ever any strikes at the docks ?
10 Voltaire wrote satirically about the British arranging to shoot an admiral to encourage the others , but probably most Englishmen at the time would have taken the idea seriously .
11 Er it 's mainly er the change in , in foreign currency debt erm and erm the year end debt er er erm the point is we had rather more dollars at the beginning of the year than at the end of the year erm and erm which , which complicates matters , but if you look at our year end debt in dollar terms th erm there was a thirty nine million pound erm adverse movement year on year as a result of that .
12 It is a home from home for Sue Wilson , who has probably spent as many nights at the camp since it was set up on January 18 as she has at home .
13 Although there are now more helpers at the club they could still do with more .
14 Although there are now more helpers at the club they could still do with more .
15 There are relatively few countries at the top of the spectrum : uncomfortably many have per capita incomes that are very low indeed .
16 Very few officers at the level proscribed have ever sought election as councillors .
17 To the rector 's unfeigned delight , the newcomer was among the very few communicants at the altar rail at the eight o'clock service on the following Sunday .
18 Consequently , very few girls at the foreclosure stage will enter science unless they receive considerable encouragement and a model to do so from their parents and their school .
19 She felt there would be too many families at the seaside and not enough single men .
20 You have taken on far too much and are trying to do too many things at the double .
21 She had eaten too many cookies at the tea and was feeling nauseated in consequence , but told herself wrathfully that it was Boyd 's disgusting ways that had done it .
22 Some good news on the A one , the earlier abnormal loads which were heading southbound and causing some quite lengthy delays near to Boroughbridge , they 're now parked up near to Wetherby so they 're not causing too many problems at the moment .
23 Lots of chatter from them suggests to the nucleus that there are too many receptors at the synapse , so it brings their manufacture to a halt .
24 If one tries to correlate one of these ( say the laminated beds ) from one end of the island to the other , one finds that there are just too many units at the east end .
25 Many humans spend a lot of time travelling from place to place , which is odd because there are usually too many humans at the place they 're going to anyway .
26 This is a good game if you do not have too many children at the party .
27 Unfortunately , removing this many cells at the bedside seems to be hard to achieve in the NHS .
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