Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] it [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In August-September 1982 it proved unable to clinch a peace treaty with its Maronite ally , having effectively installed it as the new Lebanese government .
2 This had covered the blotter so that he had really only seen it for a short time .
3 ‘ I 've only seen it from a great distance .
4 Erm but they er have only done it on a localized basis .
5 Clutterbuck ceased to work the mill during the latter half of the 1840s , for by 1847 it had been leased to a paper-maker , Frederick Wiggins , who apparently only operated it for a few years .
6 Geoff Butterwick , public transport manager for Suffolk County Council , said : ‘ We 've only had it for a few weeks but it 's already proving useful and I 'm sure it will make life a lot easier .
7 Paige herself had gone into town to do some shopping and had scarcely made it to the front door when the sound of another car coming up the drive had made her turn .
8 I have just done it for the only time in the 23,400,000 minutes of my life so far , and I doubt if I 'll do it again , so call these odds one in 25 million .
9 Had n't she finally made it as an integrated human being without the help of her father ?
10 Owner Dave Vernon has lately replaced it with a rare late-sixties single-tailed Mooney M-10 Cadet version ( right ) which he flew solo from Los Angeles to Miami .
11 I had already discussed it with a fair proportion of them as individuals in the previous weeks .
12 Tavett grew annoyed when he realized she had already discussed it with the other two the previous evening as soon as she had been allowed to leave the police station .
13 In sum , in the contention which attended or , as some might prefer , the dialectical process which generated the structural change represented by the measures contained in the Reform Bill , the Whigs by proposing and the Tories by opposing them finally identified it as the exclusive issue on which people would stand up and be counted , for or against , yes or no .
14 The weatherman 's just lost it off the long-range radar screen .
15 He sort of bounced off the wall as if he was on a piece of elastic and someone had just yanked it from the other end .
16 The American critics quickly despatched it to the second-string scrapheap , but young cinema fans were n't put off .
17 We defined it as being prepared to take into account in choices , and have throughout treated it as the fluctuating disposition to take the look and feel of things into account in choices of ends and the facts about them in choices of means .
18 The Provisional IRA have also used it on a few occasions .
19 and they 've also got it in a dark green which is really nice .
20 Science may be concerned with impersonal forces , religion with personalized gods ; but the very word force carried religious meanings , even for Isaac Newton ( 1642–1727 ) who , in describing the operation of a gravitational force in mathematical terms , also ascribed it to an omnipotent God .
21 He 'd probably achieved it on a pleasant little trip to the Bahamas .
22 Cumbernauld Theatre have duly translated it into an enjoyable and amusing production .
23 Since then , we have increased it by £225 million and have now raised it by a further £342 million .
24 Carritt bought it , correctly identified it as a lost early work , and magnanimously sold it to the National Gallery , London , far below the market price .
25 I 've even seen it on a Finnish bus-shelter .
26 Federalists and functionalists alike regarded it as a great achievement and a decisive breakthrough in the fight for a united Europe , and immediately set out to make the new body a more effective organ of integration than was apparent in its charter .
27 Carritt bought it , correctly identified it as a lost early work , and magnanimously sold it to the National Gallery , London , far below the market price .
28 A bit tricky under the circumstances , although I 've never actually done it with a raving loony .
29 The joyrider that we interviewed , he was fairly upset and he wished that he 'd never done it in the first place .
30 Instead , uncharacteristically , he went and signed up with the Maharishi , paid out £146 , and has never regretted it for a single minute , although in fairness it has to be said that his wife has .
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