Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 a dilettante artist , a protégé of John Jarndyce 's who affects a childlike gaiety and simplicity but is really a shameless sponger ; his apparent innocence of worldly concerns is sedulously fostered to relieve him of any common responsibilities .
2 He then has more chance of meeting females and is better equipped to overpower them in mating fights .
3 Dear Rothenstein , Now that the Mexican president has provided you with the beak and talons of an Aztec eagle you may perhaps feel better equipped to face me in open contest .
4 He swung the gun upwards on his mount and was obviously set to cut me in half with his next pass when the knifehilt appeared in his chest , lodged deep between two bandoliers .
5 You 're only meant to take them in small quantities now .
6 From one of these , situated within half a mile of the proposed Chirbury Station , it is stated that 10,000 tons are annually raised for local requirements , and that easy and cheap means of transit , such has the railway would supply , are only required to bring it into extensive use .
7 They will take approximately a week to reach this stage , so that while any traces remaining in a carpet could give rise to problems , a solid floor can be easily disinfected to kill them before this stage is reached .
8 If fitzAlan heard it he gave no sign , just continued to watch her with narrowed , implacable eyes .
9 Marti made 103 m.p.h. this time and Robinson just failed to beat it at 102 m.p.h. , leaving the large crowd breathless !
10 I had always intended to do it at some stage . ’
11 We tried to profit by our mistakes but were not always allowed to forget them by fellow crewmates .
12 And almost before he had finished speaking , his mouth forced itself over hers in a kiss that was clearly designed to punish her for that last remark .
13 Luckily the girls also managed to provide me with some nephews to balance it up a bit . ’
14 Reports of ‘ untoward occurrences ’ — anything from an allegation of assault to a staff member having a cold — were not going directly to Mr Thomson , who was legally bound to report them to social services within 24 hours .
15 In spite of all the powers with which he was armed , and routinely used for routine ends , it is clear that the Northern Nigerian Resident too often failed to use them for good : being , rather than doing , good came to define the limits of his aspirations .
16 It has leanings toward Gibson 's Melody Maker/Les Paul Special range , but so slight that you would be hard pushed to detect it without laser-optic assistance .
17 You have n't yet agreed to endow him with all your worldly goods so that money is yours and yours alone .
18 As the great British biologist/mathematician J.B.S. Haldane commented , human beings would be hard pressed , however long natural selection acted upon them , to sprout the wings of an angel ; we just do not have the genes that would even begin to provide the appropriate structures , and past selection has never acted to provide us with these structures .
19 He expected Caterina to be there to tell him that Rosalba absolutely refused to meet him in such compromising circumstances and considered him a blackguard and a monster even to suggest such an assignation .
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