Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] the second [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now , I think there 's probably a very nice parallel here , I ca n't help thinking it was probably a bit better , must have been better organised in the Second World War , but there 's going to be a erm special exhibition here is n't there , on memories of change on Oxford in the Second World War , and of course there were a great many extra people there too .
2 But their spirit had entirely vanished by the Second World War .
3 With the Jenny Pitman horses in such tremendous form at the moment , MOSSGARA ( 2.15 ) must be greatly respected in the second division of the Knight Park Novices Hurdle .
4 Even more important is the need to delineate and explain the growth in anticlericalism and antipapalism which was so marked in the second half of the century and which so drastically modified the relation of the church to the realm .
5 The cottage is essentially of the seventeenth century , but was restored in 1800 and greatly enlarged during the second half of the nineteenth century
6 The premium and the insurance however gradually came to look less and less desirable ; and when the nexus between them was finally broken in the Second World War , the fiction would be abandoned .
7 Thus , if Brazil was already the major producer of coffee , the state of São Paulo , which is predominantly identified with this crop in our century , as yet harvested only about a quarter of the production of Rio and at most a fifth of the entire country ; about half the production of Indonesia and only about twice as much as Ceylon , where the development of tea-culture was still so negligible that exports were not separately registered until the second half of the 1870s , and then in tiny quantities .
8 It has been rebuilt and readorned many times , and most centuries from the fourth to the twentieth — when it had to be largely rebuilt after the Second World War — have contributed to it ; it is a supreme symbol of continuity .
9 If the judge orders a trial in two parts there is an irremediable danger of two appeals to the Court of Appeal and justice requires that an appeal to the Privy Council should not be denied on the first part but perforce accepted on the second part .
10 After making findings of fact which are broadly summarised in the second paragraph of this judgment the board determined , inter alia : ( 1 ) that the fees derived from the sub-licencing were sourced in the countries in which the sub-licensees were by their contracts entitled to exercise the particular rights and ( 2 ) that the 1981 agreement vested in the taxpayer rights over intangible property , which rights could only be exercised outside Hong Kong .
11 Partly because those who served in garrisons had to be ready to serve in the field when required ( for a castle acted as a base where soldiers could remain when not in the field , and from which they could control the countryside around by mounted raids within a radius of , say , a dozen miles ) , partly because of an increasing difficulty in securing active support from the nobility and gentry for the war in France , English armies at the end of the war sometimes included a greater ratio of archers to men-at-arms than ever before , sometimes 7:1 or even 10:1 , rather than the more usual 3:1 under Henry V and the parity of archers to men-at-arms normally found in the second half of the fourteenth century .
12 In Russia , something like 20,000 books have already appeared about the second world war .
13 The Wroclaw example was largely destroyed in the Second World War .
14 ‘ Because of the present state of the economy and also because of the seasonal nature of the main businesses , with the large majority of profits usually earned in the second half , it is too early to form a clear view of the outcome for the year , ’ the group added .
15 Foreign observers declared the elections fair , but irregularities ( such as lack of voter privacy , and the presence of uniformed officers and local mayors canvassing outside polling stations ) were reported to be more pronounced in the second round .
16 Studentships and bursaries allocated to the University of Ulster are usually advertised in the second term of the academic year ( January to March ) .
17 This consists of four separate buildings : the baptistery , the cathedral , the campanile and the cemetery ( this last , the Camposanto , was badly damaged in the Second World War but is now largely rebuilt apart from the beautiful frescoes which were for the most part beyond repair ) .
18 The new date for the first round had been announced on Feb. 4 , when new provisional dates were also given for the second round ( March 8 ) and the two rounds of the presidential elections ( March 22 and April 5 ) .
19 Respondents who indicated that ‘ all senior staff ’ or all ‘ section heads ’ or all ‘ supervisory staff ’ have training responsibilities , but who did not specify any individuals as having a co-ordinating role , or spending at least one-quarter of their time on training , were also included in the second group .
20 He was controversially omitted from the second Test even when captain Graham Gooch went down ill just before the start of that game .
21 The earliest recorded mention of Aksum is in the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea probably written in the second century AD .
22 Anne Seaton taught at a SKFA ‘ associated movement ’ course in Glasgow in February and at a WLHB charity rally in Ayr in March ( specification — tow identical half-hour sessions , each for 100 people , using balls and clubs ) ; Anne was also invited for the second year to help judge a heat in the Movement and Recreative Dance section of SKFA 's Open National Championship .
23 In 1976–78 an economic upturn partly contributed to the second oil price explosion .
24 While Fontainebleau played an important part in the seasonal round of Court life , Compiègne was , and has remained , the Imperial residence most clearly identified with the Second Empire .
25 It is intimately linked to the second substage , pastoralism , which , Marx believed , following the accepted view of the time — itself much influenced by Biblical sources — always preceded agriculture .
26 There is a theatre , baths , the impressive library and an odeon mainly erected in the second century A.D. Like Pompeii a number of streets have been uncovered , some marble paved and with remains on each side of shops , houses and public buildings .
27 This time , our pattern will be displayed with all that was originally designed in the second colour , transcribed to black on the screen .
28 It was removed to the present site in 1928 , but was originally built in the second half of the seventeenth century .
29 In the first the message is received in full and is then given out to the person ; in the second the message is received and is simultaneously translated into the second language .
30 In an address to the country on Nov. 10 , President José Eduardo Dos Santos announced that a general election would take place on a date provisionally set for the second half of September 1992 and that consultations would continue with political parties and organizations on a firm date .
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