Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [noun sg] of [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Among the many things we hear in that oracular phrase is , against the odds , a bitterly won conception of language as rescue .
2 p/b £15.95 Paperback reprint of David Watkin 's highly esteemed history of architecture from Knossos to Quinlan Terry .
3 It was a staple of the revenge tragedy as Kyd , Tourneur or Shakespeare conceived it , and plays by Dekker , Lyly , Webster , Ford and Middleton all made use of madness on stage , and of actors specially trained for the parts of madmen .
4 This policy gives them a much needed spread of risk of buyer and of export market and gives the policyholder the best ‘ rate on line ’ : ie the percentage ratio between the amount of premium and the level of cover provided .
5 It provided a much needed patch of light in an otherwise sombre room lit only by two silk-shaded sidelamps .
6 Comic disruption becomes a much needed gesture of resistance to prevailing conditions in America .
7 Obviously such strict separation of functions results in a much reduced level of conflict between pedestrian and vehicle and a consequent lowered accident rate .
8 However the changes that have taken place in society in recent decades , resulting in the rapid growth of youth unemployment , have also resulted in a greatly reduced importance of certification at 16+ for selection purposes .
9 There was a nicely judged degree of contempt in her voice , Loretta thought ; it implied that the speaker had quickly got Puddephat 's measure , and did n't intend to waste any more of her time on him .
10 I continued to chair the inquiry into pensions and later took over family policy when the much liked Minister of State for Social Security , Rhodes Boyson , went off to be the number two in Northern Ireland .
11 ‘ Sellafield has made the Irish Sea the most radioactively contaminated stretch of water in the world .
12 The form of mental handicap known as ‘ Down 's Syndrome ’ is undoubtedly the best known type of handicap in Britain today .
13 The best known aspect of sexism in English is what some feminists have called ‘ he/man ’ language , that is , the generic use of masculine pronouns and the term man ( kind ) .
14 I should have thought that , in the new found spirit of glasnost in the Tory Government , with public officials being required to give direct answers , the Prime Minister would hasten to give me a reply .
15 Being little more than thin skinned bags of sugary carbohydrate sap from the plants they are sucking , they are an easily taken source of energy for many predators , including other insects and birds — a slaughter that is countered by the extraordinarily rapid rate of reproduction .
16 Benjamin Britten overshadowed the whole of Britain 's post-war operatic scene , from the revelatory first performance of Peter Grimes at Sadler 's Wells in June 1945 , to the desperately achieved premiere of Death in Venice , three years before his own death in 1976 .
17 The Phoenicians , and in particular the Carthaginians , are still given pride of place in our handbooks for their institutions and their colonization because the Greeks recognized themselves in such things .
18 ( 4 ) Cinema has always given primacy of place to images .
19 Union discontent was lead by a well-organised unified opposition front , and the Rasputin affair further lost legitimacy of Tsarism with an opposition stronger than in 1905 .
20 The socially sanctioned dominance of male over female has hardly been questioned in Salvadorean society " and domestic violence and sexual assault are largely unrecognized and go unreported :
21 The choice of Caldera to replace another Sandinista , René Vivas , enraged Chamorro 's right-wing opponents in the ruling National Opposition Union ( UNO ) coalition , despite the appointment of Ronald Antonio Aviles , a cattleman , businessman and former " contra " , to the specially created post of Vice-Minister for Public Security , with direct authority over the police .
22 They had ceased to bring him food at the end of the first day , taken away his carefully hoarded drop of water at the end of the second , and the third refusal had cost him his coarse blankets and the thin straw palliasse on his plank bed .
23 The definitive work , A Manual of Standardized Terminology , Techniques and Scoring System for Sleep Stages of Human Subjects , gives a detailed account of the internationally agreed system of recording of sleep stages .
24 Terry Nation had succeeded in carving a foreign world every bit as believable as Lucarotti 's carefully researched account of life in twelfth-century Cathay .
25 US-government-funded research has also linked fluoridation of water to an increase in osteosarcoma , a bone cancer .
26 Sprint has also announced demonstration of videoconferencing over the Internet sponsored by the National Science Foundation .
27 I think it would be beneficial for each committee member to have a clearly defined area of responsibility in order to spread the load and develop expertise in particular areas .
28 He had come to Canterbury with a firmly established and clearly defined view of liberty as a state of the will wholly integrated with the will of God , seeking no escape from obedience , but finding freedom for the development of the soul in ever-deepening understanding of the divine nature , and ever-broadening assent to God 's will .
29 Such was the speed of the changes in Japan at this time that it is easy to draw a somewhat misleading impression of unilinear progress , a clearly conceived plan of action from the beginning , logically carried out step by step .
30 It has many advantages over the traditional ‘ Winchesters ’ with a lower centre of gravity and a carefully controlled flow of glass within the mould so that there are no weak spots or pressure-vulnerable areas .
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