Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's absurd — I look on Margaret as my best friend , but I 've only seen her once in the last six months — I do feel guilty about it . ’
2 After a heart-to-heart talk , she had gently ordered him home for the rest of the week , and since that time they had been friends in a reserved sort of way .
3 And he 's he 's turned over this and just gon na slap one on me and I 've turned my head and gone like that and he 's fucking caught me right on the fucking lips !
4 In accepting Murav'ev 's proposals the regime made plain that , although it had just committed itself firmly to the emancipation of the serfs ( in the Nazimov Rescript ) , it was not yet prepared to adopt the principle of decentralization or to move towards provincial self-government .
5 I do n't know , it 's just got it somewhere from the East somewhere is n't it ?
6 He looked , she thought , as though someone had just kicked him hard in the stomach .
7 Joe looked round desperately for a place to put his hat , and finally laid it lovingly on a shelf .
8 There 's house , we 've just passed it now on the and it 's er a Montana Clematis .
9 She had always regarded her purely as a teacher , a person who turned up out of nowhere and taught at school and then went away again .
10 What has always impressed me enormously about the office bearers and team members I have over the years got to know is that they are never judgemental about those they help , and that , like the members of RNLI boat crews , they go out in all weathers to seek to save life and/or to assist the injured .
11 What has always impressed me enormously about the office bearers and team members I have over the years got to know is that they are never judgemental about those they help , and that , like the members of RNLI boat crews , they go out in all weathers to seek to save life and/or to assist the injured .
12 What has always impressed me enormously about the office bearers and team members I have over the years got to know is that they are never judgemental about those they help , and that , like the members of RNLI boat crews , they go out in all weathers to seek to save life and/or to assist the injured .
13 ‘ Well , no-one 's ever seen it apart from the Headmaster .
14 He had always seen them somewhere in the medical field as well as on a rugby pitch .
15 Kirov did little actual business there , for he had deliberately priced himself well outside the common market .
16 I used to have a straw teddy , a stuffed straw te I 've still got it somewhere in the attic .
17 Her mother had once told her scornfully about a crazy book produced on the contemporary new wave of evolutionary theory : a book which abandoned Darwin and returned to his predecessor , Lamark .
18 I have carefully said nothing here about the details of particular natural sex differences .
19 I 've not really heard you much on the phone .
20 Boswell had by now made it plain over a number of years that he wished to write Johnson 's Life .
21 She believes that Hewlett-Packard has now carved itself enough of a breathing space to be able to consider various options at both ends of the market .
22 She believes HP has now carved itself enough of a breathing space to be able to consider various options at both ends of the market .
23 Erm , just a point of information , I think er on the hundred and thirty-one million , including the Lincoln , and I think er they would have been you would have been under serious er distress on that , because the information I have had from the Department of Transport , is that if the Lincoln scheme had gone ahead , it would have effectively blocked everything else for the next five years , and that would n't have done you any good , from where you 're elected , either .
24 It is also the case that , in practice , social purpose Adult Education has frequently concerned itself exclusively with the small minority of politically active , leftist members of the working class , usually , though not always , via trade union education .
25 Once again our Branch President has kindly offered her home as a venue .
26 Perhaps they had even bought them together in the same store , on the same day .
27 Zara 's family and tennis friends in Northern Ireland have undoubtedly given her much of the help that she needed , but the lack of adequate facilities , together with a dormant tennis structure in the province , has left Zara — and other tennis hopefuls — without the opportunity that perhaps her efforts deserve .
28 Among those elected was a former dissident , Daniel Chipenda , who had earlier put himself forward as a candidate for a new post of vice-chairman of the party .
29 Dexter remembered the name and vintage from a description Blanche had reluctantly given him once of a feast at her old Cambridge college .
30 But then he , himself , had never concerned himself greatly with the case of Michael Holly .
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