Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pron] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 Thus had Carnelian swiftly explained his shooting of the old woman …
2 Pretend you are a beginner who has inadvertently forgotten which end of the board is forwards and set sail going backwards .
3 Since then , larger-scale excavations have greatly extended our understanding of the town , focusing attention on the defensive sequence , on an area inside the northern defences in Kingshams Field , and on the suburbs along the Fosse Way and the Dorchester road , most of which are now fully published .
4 The International Monetary Fund has just revised its estimates of the relative size of economies ( see page 95 ) .
5 We first meet Richard Faucenbois as a boy approaching his twelfth birthday in The Black Riders ; The Stormy Petrel and The House of the Paladin return to the boy at fourteen and fifteen , when he has already earned his nickname of the Stormy Petrel , and in The Betrayer he moves into his sixteenth year with agonising decisions to make ; in three later books ( Richard and the Golden Horseshoe , The Red Rose of Ruvina and The Secret of the White Peacock , he is in his mid-twenties and the chases and escapes of youth have been put aside for the role of diplomat and teacher .
6 Fitzgerald , who lost his rag with John McEnroe at Wimbledon , had already offered his view of the pair .
7 Expectations were upset for three basic reasons : First , the long Tamil insurgency in Sri Lanka has finally taken its toll of the tea estates .
8 I have already stated my view of the best way to stop the fighting .
9 They may have already informed their masters of the contents of the letter . ’
10 Mr Holly , you 've always proclaimed your innocence of the charges and accusations made against you .
11 In one group they were also shown which letters of the alphabet went with which sounds .
12 In fact , Mike Connolly , of Sainsbury , said the French had slightly increased their share of the supermarket group 's sales at the cheaper end , although other retailers had a different experience .
13 Nobody appeared to give orders , and everyone performed the tasks which most suited his mood of the moment .
14 We have now completed our characterisation of the semantics of occam .
15 Walkinshaw has now washed his hands of the BRDC , saying : ‘ You should speak to them .
16 He said : ‘ I am astonished that the Government , which hailed Jaguar as the flagship of the privatisation programme , has now wiped its hands of the future of the company , its workforce and the West Midlands car industry . ’
17 He said that officials had now halved their projections of the number of Soviet Jews set to arrive in 1991 , and now expected some 200,000 , or only slightly more than in 1990 ( 185,000 ) .
18 She spoke rather absently for she was remembering a vase of stiff-looking artificial flowers of an unknown species , seen fleetingly in a funeral director 's window , which now overlaid her memory of the bright Kensington shops and brought her back to the reality of her life in North London .
19 AS WITH all the coverage the Echo has so kindly given our Battle of the Atlantic project , ‘ Battle Stations ’ , I was delighted to read Will Rolston 's piece in Friday 's edition .
20 Japanese Companies in fields like consumer electronics , photocopiers , clocks and watches , ball and roller bearings , and cars , have dramatically increased their share of the British market in the last 25 years and give every appearance of continuing to grow .
21 A mass screening of residents then assessed what proportion of the lead in their bodies was of this isotope .
22 Ian may be a romantic , but the cupids and violins have not quite destroyed his sense of the absurd .
23 The other irritant was the discovery by hundreds of English-speaking Quebeckers , who had courageously chosen to send their children to schools where the teaching is in French , that they had thereby deprived their grandchildren of the right to be taught in English if they wished .
24 Not surprisingly , when we asked deaf people to examine videotapes of teachers using simultaneous communication , their rating of effectiveness closely matched their rating of the teachers ' use of facial expression .
25 It 's very interesting that , that you , you mention that , as most people do n't yet got their copy of the date Yellow Pages , it was an away from home and I , I was n't , and it was in fact in today 's Yellow Pages an article by David Mason on Richard Lacey 's new book which he 's , seems to be selling at twelve ninety-nine a copy , which , which he says makes hardly any mention of the A B Os , and there 's a comment here from Linda Allen , Undersecretary and basically it 's all very negative , we do n't like this and we do n't like that .
26 If my hon. Friend has not yet sent me details of the company in his constituency , I hope that he will do so .
27 Because of the demoralizing effect of serfdom , Chicherin declared , Russians had completely lost their sense of the individual 's personal worth .
28 The list of around forty possible members includes Mauricio Kagel , Andrzej Wajda , and Göyrgi Ligeti ( the latter having recently resigned his membership of the Berlin Akademie ) .
29 The list of around forty possible members includes Mauricio Kagel , Andrzej Wajda , and Göyrgi Ligeti ( the latter having recently resigned his membership of the Berlin Akademie ) .
30 During recent years , groups such as Fretwork and Hesperion XX have considerably broadened our knowledge of the richly satisfying repertoire for viol consort .
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