Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They were in the ecclesiastical tradition which would have prevailed in the north if Wilfrid had not been forcibly installed at York by Theodore in place of Chad .
2 In each case , therefore , the agreement between the parties or the court order should be properly carried into effect by way of a conveyance , severance , transfer or declaration of trust , the form of which is the subject of this chapter .
3 The wetlands , long regarded as wastes by generations of farmers , have been replaced by a harvest which fits the dictionary definition of ‘ waste ’ in every sense .
4 He added if independent nurseries were included in the statistics more than half of three and four-year-olds now attended school , a figure only bettered in Europe by France and Belgium .
5 Most are malnourished , only saved from starvation by water and food provided en route by the Red Cross .
6 It took them five overs to score their first run and they were only saved from disaster by captain Allan Lamb .
7 His first , 11 weeks after the crash took place on December 20 when he was gently transferred from hospital by ambulance , strapped to a stretcher .
8 Although the ericaceous shrubs are a consistent part of the community , they are usually much reduced in stature by exposure and grazing , and may be only a few centimetres high .
9 The political turbulence that followed the Civil War was only brought under control by Cromwell 's benevolent dictatorship .
10 Moreover it is true that in one or two specific minor ways the express tried positively to limit serfdom — by ordering in 1781 that war prisoners were in future to become free men if they were converted to Orthodoxy ; and by reducing the possibilities which had hitherto existed of enserfment by marriage .
11 most West-Pacific NICs , by structural adjustments in their economies and controlling real wage levels , have been able to cope with external economic shocks more easily than other countries — with more intra-trade and an increasing share of the world 's fixed investment , economic prospects are generally regarded as sound by bankers ;
12 Certainly , the complex set up in the city meant that the bishop , appointed in the time of Sigibert , was only too easily suspected of treason by Guntram — and the arrival of Gundovald clearly did not help matters .
13 A sudden gust of rain dashed against the red bricks that were already stained in patches by water .
14 The deal was finally kicked into life by Turndal , who on his appointment said SCO would be looking to acquire additional system software technologies and utilities from outside ( UX No 420 ) .
15 This maintenance service is normally provided under contract by specialist lift maintenance companies and the extent of the service provided is determined by the mutual requirements of the building and the building administration .
16 What is more , proper names are normally introduced into discourse by means of descriptive phrases .
17 The material covered in Handout 2 is best dealt with section by section .
18 The two mills were thus run in tandem by Marling and Co from 1883 to 1920 , when they eventually sold out to P.C. Evans and Sons Ltd .
19 The alkaloid , thebaine , can be easily converted into codeine by demethylation .
20 For the detailed discussion of theories that have been advanced concerning the relationship of the fabliaux to these slightly earlier Latin works , the reader is best directed to studies by Edmund Faral , Jürgen Beyer and Peter Dronke , and responses in the books of Ménard and Muscatine .
21 Forty three minutes of crass , artless thumping of a ball , just shaded by Wimbledon by virtue of Young 's header being cleared off the line by Keen , preceded the first flare-up .
22 In 1761 copper mines had been opened on Bayly 's lands at Parys mountain near Amlwch , but significant progress was only made from 1768 , when a mass of easily worked copper was located which was soon worked under lease by Charles Roe & Co. of Macclesfield .
23 The introduction of women students to an ancient residential university , already pioneered at Cambridge by Henry Sidgwick and S. Emily Davies [ qq.v. ] , was a challenge that appealed to the ‘ young married Oxford ’ of the 1870s .
24 The Millbank paper-mill and its equipment were eventually offered for sale by auction in October 1804 , thereby ending the possibility of England challenging the European paper industry by using more easily available materials for making paper .
25 Man remanded : Sean Kelly , 33 , of Tyne Crescent , Darlington , was yesterday remanded in custody by Darlington magistrates pending trial at the Crown Court .
26 Peter Turton , 28 , was further remanded in custody by Bootle magistrates today charged with murdering his mother in Crosby .
27 Christopher Currie , 24 , of Rievaulx Road , Billingham , was further remanded in custody by Teesside magistrates yesterday until March 9 charged with assault , having a shotgun when he is prohibited for life , possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life , making threats to kill and criminal damage .
28 The cots were suspended from hooks attached to the roof and further secured in position by chains and springs , known as grips , which prevented them from swinging .
29 Glen Barr of Vanguard and the UDA went to Libya to seek financial support from Colonel Gadaffi for an independent Ulster and was quickly accused of communism by Clifford Smyth , then a leading DUP Assemblyman , who told the DUP 's annual conference in November 1974 that Libya was a ‘ significant springboard for Russian subversion in Western Europe ’ .
30 These conclusions have been formally demonstrated in articles by Farrar , Selwyn and Brennan .
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