Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 They were in the ecclesiastical tradition which would have prevailed in the north if Wilfrid had not been forcibly installed at York by Theodore in place of Chad .
2 The Worcestershire bowlers and fielders began to find their form when Notts skipper , Tim Robinson was acrobatically caught by Neale off Illingworth for 5 .
3 Other important casting centres have since come to light in Nigeria and some hundreds of castings have been analysed .
4 From a three-hour flight , at the outside , when he 'd only flown from London to Helsinki on the last lap ?
5 Perhaps one or two of them were so blinded by hatred of Lloyd George as to believe that the move would still show up his impotence .
6 It is not impossible that on this sea voyage he was accompanied by Panaetius , who , according to a very fragmentary and dubious passage of the index Stoicorum , apparently travelled by sea with Scipio at about this time ( col. 56 , ed .
7 Later , items prised away on doorsteps end up either in the Lanes — a cluster of antique shops with a bijou veneer , much frequented by visitors to Brighton — or , if they are not snapped up by local dealers , at markets in London .
8 He added if independent nurseries were included in the statistics more than half of three and four-year-olds now attended school , a figure only bettered in Europe by France and Belgium .
9 Ealdorman Torhtmund , a loyal servant of Aethelred , who slew Ealdred in vengeance for his lord in 799 , was warmly recommended by Alcuin to Charlemagne in 801 when he visited the Frankish court .
10 Erm , nor I think are there any proposals to change the grading or pay honorarium to P As to reflect there work on these files , er , I 'm not sure whether the assumption that this would n't be taken into account by the W R is sound , because I think one of the principles that I recall was that he were meant to ensure that that each of these job evaluation panels had somebody from each office so that an account could be taken of the different practices , I mean I 'm sure that , I 'm sure that each of the three offices in the er deal with things in a different way , so that er what gets done by one person here is not necessarily done by people in Coventry and York , and that in fa in London , and that also holds good in the other way , I think .
11 This fire watching was only done at Wolverton on Saturday and Sunday nights ; for the rest of the week a full night shift was employed .
12 Unbeaten in two starts as a juvenile , Elizabeth Bay had been ridiculously unlucky to be beaten on her reappearance in the Prix Imprudence at Maisons- Laffitte a race apparently named in honour of Thierry Jarnet 's riding tactics .
13 Another was the comparative economic weakness of the Celtic nations , especially felt with passion in Scotland where a continuous nationalist upsurge from the mid-1960s threatened a major disruption of the United Kingdom .
14 The Government of India had only moved to Delhi from Calcutta in 1911 , and the magnificent Lutyens buildings which today dominate New Delhi were still being built .
15 Some authorities were better organized in relation to UDG submissions , and some areas were simply not regarded as attractive to the market — even when UDG was taken into account .
16 We have become so used to thinking of Günter Wand as a conductor who specialises exclusively in the late 18th and 19th Century symphonic repertoire that it comes as something of a shock to find him performing a wide variety of works of more contemporary lineage .
17 ( d ) In cases of compulsion , a threat which constitutes the compulsion may be expressed or implied , a point perhaps overlooked in Twyford v. Manchester Corporation [ 1946 ] Ch. 236 .
18 The high prices brilliantly engineered by Kirkman for Freud 's works at the height of the market have recently caused problems for the hard-pressed dealer .
19 To most Victorians , truth seemed a simple matter , only confused by people like Pontius Pilate , of conformity to facts .
20 P appealed to the High Court , contending that no part of his interest ‘ came to an end ’ within para 4(2) ; he had merely disposed of shares in Q. Similarly , para 4(2) was not deemed to operate by virtue of para 4(1) , which provided that a disposal of an interest in possession of any property was not a transfer of value , but should be treated as the coming to the end of an interest in possession , bringing into play para 4(2) .
21 The second decision , personally negotiated by Macmillan at Nassau , was to substitute the submarine-launched Polaris missile for Skybolt .
22 He also said that the Cork-based importers of the two brands only dealt with distilleries in Russia whose ‘ quality control and facilities meet international standards ’ .
23 This Service would provide legal help to CABx and other social agencies , similar to that hitherto provided by solicitors to CABx on an honorary basis ; would establish close liaison between the local profession and CABx and other social services ; would provide oral advice for the public in cases that could be readily disposed of ; would maintain permanent advisory centres where necessary , offering advice and assistance short of proceedings or representation in court ; and would set up permanent local centres offering representation in magistrates ' courts and county courts and the conduct of litigation so far as this could not be absorbed by solicitors ' firms .
24 The political turbulence that followed the Civil War was only brought under control by Cromwell 's benevolent dictatorship .
25 Though separated from his Guard , Napoleon apparently remained in company with Soult , Bertrand and Drouot who , together with a few officers and an escort , were seen at Quatre Bras at 1 a.m. on 19 June .
26 1 loose sheet plan and section of intended deviation at Lydham ( apparently necessitated by deviation of Oswestry & Newtown Railway ) .
27 Particularly was this so because the British accountancy profession played a more constructive role in the preparatory stages of the two Directives than our professional bodies had hitherto taken in relation to EC proposals .
28 Indeed , coastal trading may be the only explanation for the peculiar distributions of some species , e.g. Exotheca abyssinica ( Gramineae ) in tropical East Africa and Vietnam and may account for that of Stylosanthes humilis ( ‘ S. sundaica' , Leguminosae ) , which was perhaps taken from Brazil to Malesia by the Portuguese .
29 Despite the obvious influence of Impressionism in the appearance of Walker 's pictures she also worked under the umbrella of ‘ decorative symbolism ’ — belonging more specifically to a tradition dominated by Puvis de Chavannes , which was authoritatively identified in relation to Augustus John by David Fraser Jenkins in his essay ‘ Slade School Symbolism ’ for the Barbican exhibition catalogue , the Last Romantics ( 1989 ) .
30 She was especially taken by statuettes of Astrada ; transparent material filled with coloured gas that swirled and glowed , spinning visions of ancient fields and Arcadian mountains .
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