Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] their [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Alain asked quietly as they slowly made their way to the car later .
2 Athelstan checked that the windows and doors of the priest 's house were locked , slung his saddle bags over a protesting Philomel , and both horse and rider wearily made their way along the icy track .
3 These great leviathans of the air eventually met their demise with the development of British high flying aircraft armed with guns firing incendiary bullets .
4 The Home Secretary deftly referred their claims to the expert , and non-political , Advisory Council on the Treatment of Offenders .
5 When the Prince and Princess of Wales quite rightly scrapped their tour of the mainland , they had the opportunity to make a contrasting point in Hong Kong .
6 In their case , there seems no doubt that it greatly enhanced their belief in the strength of their royalty as kings of Scotland .
7 The relentless electro-beat of the charts only improved their status as the main alternative .
8 I have never heard anything so irresponsible and silly ; he does a great disservice to farmers , who rightly put their confidence in the Government , not him , to get it right .
9 There is an enormous literature in Russian on the Decembrists ' Siberian exile which accurately reflects the powerful impact which these ‘ first enlighteners of the Siberian people ’ had on the scientific investigation and cultural development of the region with which so many of them came to identify themselves , and where not a few chose to remain after they were eventually amnestied by Alexander H. Just as their initial , ill-fated rebellion marked the beginning of the nineteenth-century Russian revolutionary movement , so did their exile beyond the Urals open a new phase in the history of political exile in Siberia and of the on-going battle between the radical intelligentsia and the autocratic Russian state .
10 Haverford , his head cocked on one side , was casting an eye over blonde girls from Sweden , Guildford or Saskatoon , quite undiscouraged when they did n't return his smile but merely quickened their pace towards the souvenir stalls .
11 Other animals under threat included the bottlenose and humpback dolphin , and the green and hawksbill turtles , which normally laid their eggs on the beaches of tiny offshore islands .
12 The squadron also flew the Iraq Levies , A sort of RAF Regiment of the day , they were mainly Kurds who came from the far north of Iraq excellent soldiers but poor airmen who generally laid their breakfast on the cabin floor whilst we were taxying , to take-off .
13 Morse placed a restraining hand on Lewis 's arm , and the two of them stood watching the man while two or three heavily luggaged travellers finally made their way along the platform .
14 When the queuers finally made their way to the head of the stairs they were greeted by a strange figure holding a tray of sugar cubes , sure sign that acid was on offer .
15 Some 300,000 years ago , the remains of at least 24 people somehow found their way into the Sima de los Huesos , a small chamber deep within a cave in the Sierra de Atapuerca , northern Spain .
16 The two soon concentrated their business at the Albion brewery .
17 Birkenhead , Wirral 's principal town , was dubbed ‘ Smack City ’ by The Observer and apocryphal stories about heroin in school dinners and 5 wraps in ice-cream cornets on sale outside primary schools , first constructed in the popular Press , soon found their way into the worthy Times Educational Supplement ( 9 March 1984 ) .
18 The railway companies soon turned their attention to the presidency cities of Madras , Bombay , and Calcutta .
19 The issue of jobs was now added to the left agenda , as the print workers finally lost their grip on the production jugular of the industry in the first fundamental update of print technology since the late Middle Ages .
20 Before the huge population rise of the eighteenth century English rural craftsmen normally combined their trade with the running of a smallholding .
21 Quiss had been lonely with only the castle 's shy and dwarfish attendants for company , and Ajayi was pleased to find somebody who already knew their way round the cold , forbidding stump of rock , iron , glass , slate and paper which was the castle .
22 George frowned , absent-mindedly gave their order to the servant who had appeared , and said : ‘ I do n't know … marriage seems a public sort of affair .
23 Mr John Allison , the overall prize-winner , and Mr Fraser Wilson , the Scottish winner , generously presented their bindings to the Library .
24 I turned to him and said , ‘ By the way , someone just put their head round the door . ’
25 ‘ No , ’ I repeated , ‘ Someone just put their head round the door . ’
26 He describes his own ( very Darwinian ! ) experiment in which he allowed the stolons of Saxifraga sarmentosa ( a classic ‘ guerrilla ’ growth form ) to encounter an artificial vegetation that he had constructed : ‘ Many long pins were next driven rather close together into the sand , so as to form a crowd in front of … two thin lateral branches ; but these easily wound their way through the crowd .
27 Farmers nevertheless continued their protest outside the government building .
28 But all these things somehow had their centre inside the wire .
29 Their vote was scarcely changed from two years previously , and they easily overcame their tormentors from the 1989 European Assembly elections , the Greens .
30 At much the same time , however , workers on British Rail successfully defended their procedures in the courts and subsequently went on to conduct a very effective strike from which they emerged victorious .
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