Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] the [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Did you order the bourbon and water , sir ? ’ she politely asked the empty high-backed chair in the living-room .
2 After moving to Willesden in north-west London he became the scourge of local boxers and eventually became the first black man to hold a British title when , in 1907 , he beat Curly Watson in the fourth of a scheduled twenty rounds to take the welterweight championship at the ‘ Wonderland ’ venue in the East End of London .
3 Hooker Phil Kearns , at only 24 , is undoubtedly going to be around for many years to come and successfully led the Australian under-21 team to victory over New Zealand under 21 's four years ago .
4 He then went on to describe the very considerable commercial and economic disadvantages experienced by peripheral industrial countries compared with the enormous advantages enjoyed by the privileged centrally placed Golden Triangle countries and called to question the entire concept of a European budget which incredibly penalised the poorer peripheral countries instead of applying the penalty the other way round .
5 Carol Moseley Braun won in Illinois and thereby became the first black woman , and only the second black person , to serve in the Senate .
6 Not only one but both his elder sons did so , and thereby became the first Jewish officers to be commissioned .
7 They soon progressed from Christmas to holidays … travel … world events … and then to food , as they laughingly divided the two plump triangles of cake and argued as to which was the nicer .
8 The ruling effectively voided the British legal notion of the " discretionary " life sentence , under which the Home Office had the power to extend prisoners ' actual terms in gaol , or detain them again after an initial release ( known as " release under licence " ) if they were deemed to be a danger to society .
9 By restricting the maximum length of pelagic gill-nets in the Australian EEZ to 2.5 km ( 1.6 miles ) , they effectively excluded the huge Taiwanese nets .
10 The newly restored Japanese Emperor opened the line , and thereby scotched the bitter religious opposition that had been aroused against the building of railways .
11 This general approach rather clouded the other important conclusion that tribunals are a new method for the independent adjudication of disputes .
12 But what added most to the grotesque expression of his face , was a ghastly smile , which … constantly revealed the few discoloured fangs that were yet scattered in his mouth , and gave him the aspect of a panting dog . ’
13 His venom against a country of 3 million people not only reinforced the Latin American image of the US as a bully , it also led directly to the Iran-contra scandal , the most serious political crisis of his administration .
14 The fräulein smiled and said , ‘ Auf wiedersehen ’ Karelius alone used the old Austrian farewell : ‘ Ich küsse die Hand . ’
15 When Dixie Dean was on holiday in Ayr , he noticed that a professional sprint was to be held and entered it as an outsider and won ; he thereby not only demonstrated the outstanding athletic abilities of top footballers ( Matthews was also a fine athlete ) , but underlined the survival of the old pedestrian traditions at the new resorts catering for working-class holiday-makers .
16 Thus the ‘ immigrants ’ and the ‘ refugees ’ together transformed the British urban environment from being monolingual and monocultural to being multilingual and multicultural .
17 The tip of his tongue flicked , hot and silky , over her lower lip and gently explored the soft inner flesh .
18 In return the Fylingdales radar installations in Yorkshire ( in the North of England ) , completed in the early 1960s , greatly enhanced the American early warning network against Soviet attacks .
19 Given the chance last Sunday , East Germans not only dished the communist would-be reformers who succeeded Erich Hon-ecker but the civil-rights campaigners who had brought his wretched regime down and the Social Democrats who hoped to replace them both .
20 Robson was the man who ended Keegan 's England career — and yesterday he was the manager whose side punctured the optimism at St James 's Park as Sporting Lisbon brilliantly lifted the four-team Super Challenge Cup .
21 Elections to the Chamber of Citizens and to the Chamber of Republics , which together comprised the new Federal Assembly , were scheduled for May 31 .
22 The remaining half-dozen or so clasped the last tattered shreds of the undergraduate life around them to keep out the cold winds of the world .
23 I very much enjoyed the unpretentious vocal quality of Ruth Holton though would like to have felt she had a little bit more in reserve .
24 From the late eighteenth century the rise of the cotton industry not only reversed the long relative decline in the importance of textile exports but pushed the first industrial nation , if not in an entirely new direction , at least up a much steeper path .
25 Anglicans and Protestants now not only heard the first systematic teaching on the word of God in the Church ever formulated by a Catholic Council ( for Trent had only dealt with particular points at issue with the Reformers ) , but also admired it .
26 The Victorian period not only established the modern popular image of public houses , but also saw the involvement of specialists and well-known architects in their design .
27 The Bible Through Asian Eyes has been compiled by Dr Masao Takenaka of Kyoto , Japan and WACC member Rev Ron O'Grady from Aotearoa-New Zealand who together founded the Asian Christian Art Association in 1978 .
28 We suddenly saw the wizened old man in a new light .
29 John O'Connor has described how , following up what was a Zanuck initiative , a Warner Bros team had eventually produced I am a Fugitive , a film that outspokenly denounced the Southern chain-gang system by using a true story that had received a great deal of publicity , the studio 's gamble on topicality really paying off when the real-life subject of the story was actually rearrested just a few months after the film 's release .
30 The changes made , discussed below , furthermore removed the only remaining form of ‘ property tax ’ in the UK .
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