Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] his [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 Wainwright is fifth choice at Bramall Lane and only made his debut for the reserves on Wednesday .
2 Falkenhayn wavered , finally gave his permission for the new attack , and even allocated a fresh division for it .
3 Enrile eventually withdrew his bid for the candidacy , but the party remained deeply divided with both Laurel and Cojuangco claiming that their candidacies represented the " real " NP .
4 Bush formally announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination on Feb. 12 — he had already spent several days informally campaigning in New Hampshire in January — to a cheering crowd of supporters in Washington DC .
5 Two centuries after Hale 's pronouncement , Pollock B. unequivocally expressed his support for the marital rape exemption in similar terms .
6 MR JOHN SMITH , the Shadow Chancellor , formally launched his campaign for the Labour leadership yesterday with a cautious pledge to examine the role of the trade union block vote in the party 's affairs and to keep open the options for electoral reform .
7 But he also expressed his concern for the future of Scottish athletics : ‘ It 's pathetic really — there 's no second tier of world class athletes after Tom , Yvonne , Liz ( McColgan ) and Tom Hanlon .
8 In his inaugural address on taking office in January 1991 President Serrano credited the previous President , Vincio Cerezo Arévalo , with promoting national peace talks to end 30 years of civil war [ see pp. 37372 ; 37527 ; 37707 ] but also blamed his administration for the current economic crisis and social unrest and for the country 's lack of international credibility due to widespread corruption and human rights violations .
9 Deftly , he cut four thick slices from the granary loaf , then began his search for the cheese .
10 He made his worst start for years , found himself jammed in fourth place and then thought his race for the title might be over when a warning light flickered in the cockpit of the 200mph Renault-Williams .
11 He waited until it was nearly too late , and then set his alarm for the old confident time of the morning and rang up his agent to tell him to say yes .
12 On Sept. 14 Compaoré officially announced his candidacy for the presidential elections , having resigned from the army in accordance with the new Constitution which barred the military from office .
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