Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [to-vb] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , I , I was in er , I 'm not sure , I , I think I was in the top class in the junior school and er , without boasting , I was a good scholar and I eventually passed to go to the Q M and me dad could n't afford to let me go .
2 The Commission found that it could no longer find any Poles or Kaszubians who were willing to sell their land , and so began to turn to the purchase and resale of Junker estates .
3 Similar results were reported by Bowers , Neilman , Satz and Altman ( 1978 ) who observed a bilateral but asymmetrical impairment on finger tapping when subjects merely had to listen to a story knowing that they would subsequently be asked to recall its contents .
4 The judge had warned the jury not to award " Mickey Mouse money " , by which he apparently intended to refer to a sum so large as to be unrealistic ( such as 1.5 million ) .
5 ‘ He only wanted to go to the out-patients .
6 It was noticeable that Celia no longer asked to go to the sea although , by that time , the weather had changed .
7 As the great surge of modernism finally seemed to grind to a halt , artists and public were apparently offered two choices : either to celebrate postmodern confusion , or to turn back to older and more insular traditions .
8 Oh Just had to go to the toilet did n't I ?
9 He just had to get to a table in the restaurant and sit down .
10 I just wanted to go to the bathroom .
11 Cleveland 's passenger transport sub-committee yesterday decided to write to the headteacher and chairman of governors at any school where there are continuing problems .
12 In the middle of March , Vance made what he later called " one of the most distasteful recommendations I ever had to make to the president . "
13 He was asked shy he had joined the team : ‘ Because I always wanted to get to a press conference like this , ’ he growled .
14 He also agreed to grant to the state land at Tatoi as payment for the remainder of his debt .
15 Togo also declined to contribute to the force pending a ceasefire between the three warring factions — the Doe government , Taylor 's NPLF , and a rival rebel insurgent group led by Prince Yormie Johnson .
16 To protect themselves they also determined to withdraw to a monastery .
17 The main files were destroyed in the explosion , but they also managed to get to the back-ups and destroy them . ’
18 Joan also hesitated to go to the Home Office as her father was a senior civil servant in line for further promotion and not too far from retirement .
19 The party also resolved to refer to the Beijing regime by its own chosen name , the People 's Republic of China , instead of as " Communist China " .
20 Most chimp activity takes place at least within sight of the ground , but to film all the stages of a hunt , cameraman Mike Richards ( left ) also had to take to the air .
21 Not only were dancing masters expected to follow their own rules of dance but they also had to conform to the rules of the Académie Royale de Musique .
22 Partly this was because many of the enthusiastic supporters of the rational expectations hypothesis also tended to subscribe to the market clearing paradigm .
23 He argued that the economic , political , ethical , legal , aesthetic , and erotic value spheres , which previously had been structured according to a unifying principle of the world religions and later of Enlightenment rationalism , now began to march to the beat of different drums ( Whimster and Lash 1987 ) .
24 I really needed to go to the toilet , but that meant walking past them onto the other side of the hall .
25 Helicopters were used to provide an airborne relay station but if they were shot down or ran out of fuel , soldiers on the ground often had to resort to the GPO telephone system .
26 She felt embarrassed about this when travelling around London with younger colleagues as they frequently had to resort to a taxi if no bus were available .
27 He said the men made Mrs Kennedy phone Ulster Television and ask for cameras but then agreed to speak to a priest and gave themselves up .
28 He dabbled in the long jump until the age of twenty-four and then decided to switch to the sprints .
29 He sometimes had to disappear to the lavatory several times when they met in a pub or café .
30 It was also in this film , when he had a long and exacting monologue at the end , that he finally saw it as what he termed an allegory to his own career : he had the chance of taking a university scholarship but instead chose to take to the road and share his life with some interesting characters , though by this stage of the story in the film itself , Dupea 's liberation is being challenged .
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