Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [to-vb] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gazzer only had to stand in the middle of the towpath and wait as the man approached him .
2 They had missed the track the night before so had to sleep in the bush with but one blanket each .
3 In return , Flemish weavers eventually came to settle in the neighbourhood and teach local workers their ‘ mysteries ’ .
4 just happened to mention in the night says I 'd like a white telly you know , go a bit more with , with the decor
5 Hire purchase indeed soon began to figure in the minds of bureau workers as the Wicked Fairy , as well as the Fairy Godmother , in the house .
6 She no longer needed to jump in the swimming pool to raise £5 , though if it had been necessary she would probable have done it : " You believe in God but you also use every means possible to raise funds .
7 Sylvie spoke in French , as she normally continued to do in the house , and glared at her daughter .
8 Periodically Moreau translated for the benefit of his countrymen , who thereupon continued to behave in the manner of stage Frenchmen , with much shrugging and stifled Gallic oaths .
9 Even during the period of the " phoney war " he had fantasies of the house being bombed , and in June 1940 he asked Herbert Read to store in the country some of his books and clothes in order to prevent them from being destroyed in an air-raid.When on 7 September the " blitz " against London did begin , he decided that he no longer wished to stay in the capital .
10 Pete says he just wanted to get in the air so he read about the sport in magazines and then got in touch with the association … he says the sport is easy if you know what you are doing but you can pay dearly for your mistakes
11 There were , however , some immediate gains ; one of these was the decline of belief in hell , which gradually ceased to resound in the sermons of Ministers of God other than Calvinists .
12 But when it when a bill came up and it would take away the money that we 'd saved for Kelly 's new school uniform , so it always seemed to come in a rush and there was always something needed like you know .
13 ‘ The club has horrendous debts , ’ said chief executive Freddie Fletcher , ‘ but it still prepared to spend in an effort to launch a genuine promotion push next season . ’
14 When the grant ceased Zbo , as he was called , tried to earn a living by selling books and prints along the quayside , and gradually began to deal in the paintings of the modern and as yet unrecognized artists .
15 Even though the ball was , to scale , probably seven foot high it still managed to go in the back of the net .
16 Both she and Patsy still had to sleep in a cot because their father had not bothered as yet to buy them each a proper bed .
17 The most difficult thing I ever had to do in the cinema was to kiss Christopher Reeve .
18 Two thirds of these , however , have a range of less than 160 km ; so the weapons could drop on the alliance 's own territory if it ever had to retreat in the face of an attack by the Warsaw Pact .
19 Mm , mm , right and are we , I mean if anybody still wanted to put in a motion , there is still time just about .
20 And when I er went to go on me own er I still wanted to keep in the union and I went down the Locksmiths ' union , which was in the market place , and they said they er we could n't , we could n't have you in the union if you go on your own erm there 's another denomination or something , was something that you 'd have to join or something like that and be on your own .
21 He also threatened to call in the receiver to Mr Bond 's master corporation and to his private family company , Dallhold Investments — the firm which sits at the top of the whole debt-laden business structure .
22 She also learned to assist in the preparation of foods she believed herself , in 1954 , to dislike : aïoli , estouffade de boeuf , kid stewed with wine , tomatoes and garlic , potage de legumes hand-wound through a Mouli , dressed salads made with unknown leaves and fronds , crimson , cream-white , spinach-dark , curly pale green .
23 The sixty-five year old , who also learned to box in the forces , was in his pyjamas — but the muggers still believed he had money to steal
24 However , it also had to act in a way that would not jeopardize its chance of winning the next election .
25 Slaley Hall , in Northumberland , also had to call in the receivers , development of a new complex at Loch Lomond has also halted while East Sussex National has had its problems .
26 Not content with just the interminable Benson and Hedges World Series Cup , the players also had to fit in the Benson and Hedges Challenge between the fourth and fifth Tests , a jamboree dreamed up to latch on to the sporting frenzy which the TV and marketing people had decreed would seize the nation when the America 's Cup yacht races were staged off Fremantle .
27 He also refused to play in the England versus Scotland match on the ground that it immediately preceded the Open Championship and to make the abrupt switch from matchplay to strokeplay would impair his chances .
28 He also wanted to emphasize in the appraisal two issues he had already brought to the attention of staff : assessment of pupils — with which there had already been some changes — and language across the curriculum , which he felt required a more positive policy .
29 It is argued in this study that although the courts did matter , they often failed to operate in the ways intended by British policy-makers .
30 ‘ After a slow start to the month trade really began to improve in the run-up to Christmas .
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