Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [to-vb] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The house was ablaze with lights , and the sound of music coming from inside seemed to promise that the party would not be as dull as Sophie feared .
2 The performers say their confidence only began to wane after the filming was over .
3 It was discovered that the peat only began to grow after the site was abandoned and a radiocarbon date for the beginning of this growth gave about 1000 BC .
4 The jurors only had to consider whether the woman had consented or not to the intercourse taking place .
5 For example , in Namibia , UNTAG not only had to ensure that the ceasefire was observed ; it also went on to tackle a programme of repatriation , and oversee the first elections for the new state .
6 Landlords were not seeking any advantage in the regulations but merely wanted to ensure that the rental value of holdings was maintained .
7 On March 9 demonstrators , under an overtly nationalist blue flag featuring the Soyombo symbol , threatened to call a general strike ; the politburo thereupon agreed to resign and the strike was called off .
8 In the first place , his rehearsals were always scrupulously prepared ; in the second , he generally tried to ensure that the players themselves felt that they were ahead of the game .
9 For their part , although the die-hard aristocratic opponents of change were desperately anxious about opening the floodgates , they nevertheless came to see that the price of resistance was becoming too high and might even bring disaster and revolution .
10 It scarcely seemed to matter while the deals came rolling in .
11 I just came to see if the coffee was ready for me to take up to Papa .
12 He checked the police ID cards , and finally had to accept that the police would vouch for the social workers .
13 Which in the sea was pretty futile really , I mean you just had to go where the sea took you .
14 He and Warnie , for example , had decided that they would erect a memorial window to their parents in St Mark 's , but it was a decision they quickly came to regret when the Lewis , Hamilton and Ewart cousins all weighed in with suggestions of what should go into the window .
15 He continues : ‘ I started off putting all sorts of things into the first rough attempts , birds in one , Greek columns in another , Victorian oil lamps ; I even tried buildings and finally helicopters and an aeroplane , but gradually came to see that the designs were hopelessly confused . ’
16 The Marshal crossed the sunny fore-court towards the shadow of the stone archway and into his office , where he could take off the dark glasses which he always had to wear when the sun was out .
17 The panel sat mesmerized until it slowly began to dawn that the applicant appeared to be suffering from the old Fleet Street problem of being tired and emotional .
18 I slowly began to realize that the Alexander Technique not only covers the physical body , but also the mental , the psychological , the emotional and even the spiritual … a sort of ‘ sorcerer 's stone ’ .
19 He probably expected to find that the problem had been too much for her .
20 It could be the case that version A was perceived as a radically sceptical play and that the B version later came to dominate because the authorities were unhappy with the other version which more manifestly challenged orthodoxies .
21 But even while the Shah shrugged of such schemes , saying that this was not 1953 he also seemed to feel that the allies who had saved him then had somehow betrayed him now .
22 Christopher also seemed to indicate that the United States and its allies were considering a programme to provide Russia a kind of social safety net as it moves to free markets .
23 He also liked to think that the claim was true .
24 He also continued to affirm that the introduction of divorce would make it more difficult for people to lead ‘ good moral lives ’ .
25 He also wished to leave because the nuns were still engaged in the obsequies preceding the funerals of their two dead colleagues .
26 The Attorney-General also had to establish that the information complained of was the subject matter of the pending action against the Guardian and the Observer .
27 It also wanted to determine if the schedule could be used effectively with this client group and whether the pattern of need identified merely reflected conditions in the hostels .
28 It is quite impossible to say that Woolwich paid to close a transaction since it protested that it was not liable and it immediately sought to establish that the regulations were void .
29 Dr Laternser immediately rose to protest that the witness had never been in the German army and therefore could not properly be asked or answer any such questions .
30 Some of them even seemed to think that the ego was a sort of ectoplasm that walked — or perhaps swam — about in the head !
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