Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [prep] some [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The civil disorders and dynastic feuds between Lancaster and York presumably led to some destruction of wealth , although it is virtually impossible to judge how much .
2 The indisposition of the 8F led to some speculation by passengers on the Cambrian Limited , last Sunday , that the Standard 4 No 75069 would fulfil the Red Rose roster in place of No 8233 .
3 For example , we apparently only came to some understanding of how the heart worked when we had within our conceptual framework the notion of a pump .
4 Whereas they eventually came to some agreement over the various ‘ courses ’ , they argued vehemently over Elisabeth 's insistence that the recital should both begin and close with Strauss 's Morgen .
5 Well they normally just packed with some sort of wadding , I du n no .
6 There she once sat in some sort of castle , or not , reading , for sure , the literature of Romanticism , and growing up to resemble — in the opinion of the writer 's aunt , the historian C. B. A. Behrens — a character out of Lermontov .
7 This problem , also experienced to some extent in Nicaragua , has been particularly acute in Mozambique because of the high levels of illiteracy and shortages of skilled people at all levels , and the legacy of a highly authoritarian colonial school system .
8 After 1945 democratic socialist parties in a number of West European countries were able , for the first time , to form governments or to become major partners in coalition governments , and thus impart a new direction to economic and social policy making ( and this also happened to some extent in other regions of the world , though encountering greater difficulties ) .
9 Sophia also reflected with some satisfaction on the way she had spoken about Rupert-'only Rupert Stonebird' , who ‘ did n't seem to matter ’ .
10 There were also photographs of his weak and charming father , who had read Pravda and the Daily Telegraph every morning , and his beautiful feckless mother , who 'd run off with an Italian and now lived in some palazzo in Rome , and of the huge house in which he 'd been brought up .
11 For whatever reason , they all now sat in some dumbness at Sir Alexander Gordon 's table , and it is the only meal so far recorded by Boswell in which he has no conversation to report , nor argument , nor words of Johnson .
12 He then expanded at some length on this theme .
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