Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pron] [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 Alain asked quietly as they slowly made their way to the car later .
2 She eventually found her way to the social services department .
3 The Home Secretary deftly referred their claims to the expert , and non-political , Advisory Council on the Treatment of Offenders .
4 Vast amounts of money were made through Cornish tin but very little found its way to the tinners themselves .
5 With his accountant 's help he eventually moved his accounts to the Midland , which gave him the overdraft on reasonable terms , but he is critical of the way banks look at small businesses , believing that many only look at the business sector rather than at the person running a particular business .
6 We grabbed the ‘ speeder from the motor park and amazingly enough got ourselves passage to the Festival on a grain hopper . ’
7 His touch was as she remembered it , warm and gentle , but as he gently returned her foot to the ground she again felt shy — absurdly and ridiculously shy , when she could never remember being so taken by shyness before — and she just had to look away from him while she collected herself .
8 This not only gave me access to the early morning shot of the Opera House from Farm Cove , but also a marvellous image of the disk of sun rising behind the naval boats in the strangely named harbour .
9 This not only gave me access to the early morning shot of the Opera House from Farm Cove , but also a marvellous image of the disk of sun rising behind naval boats in the strangely-named harbour .
10 The piece went on to tell how Lydia , a sharp little eighteen-year-old mill-worker , who had fallen only twice , but unfortunately with two different blokes , finally got her man to the altar .
11 When the queuers finally made their way to the head of the stairs they were greeted by a strange figure holding a tray of sugar cubes , sure sign that acid was on offer .
12 We staggered out into the Madrid evening ‘ full of piss and vinegar ’ , as Dana said later , and somehow made our way to the Puerta del Sol , where there is a large circular fountain .
13 It is therefore slightly ironic that it should have been this same Meistersinger which now finally stirred his feelings to the point where any " healthy " critical stance became impossible .
14 As so often occurs in these situations , I had become blind to the obvious — that is , until my pondering over the implications of Miss Kenton 's letter finally opened my eyes to the simple truth : that these small errors of recent months have derived from nothing more sinister than a faulty staff plan .
15 The railway companies soon turned their attention to the presidency cities of Madras , Bombay , and Calcutta .
16 He soon turned his attention to the districts which had been put out of the forest earlier in the reign .
17 All biological life thus adapted its metabolism to the level of solar warmth , and became adjusted to the strength of solar radiation prevailing at the time .
18 George frowned , absent-mindedly gave their order to the servant who had appeared , and said : ‘ I do n't know … marriage seems a public sort of affair .
19 Mr John Allison , the overall prize-winner , and Mr Fraser Wilson , the Scottish winner , generously presented their bindings to the Library .
20 It was 4.30 a.m. when I finally said my farewell to the French family and their very charming daughter .
21 And Lily 's instinct for the winning side soon tempered her attitude to the new mistress .
22 ‘ They do say , ’ said Cathbad , ‘ that if you ever found your way to the Prison of Hostages , you would find all the children whose hearts were given to the Conablaiche during that time , and whose souls were taken by the Lad .
23 Urban soviets in many parts of Russia quickly declared their allegiance to the new government .
24 Britain 's best known dogs home opened its doors to the public yesterday after a four-day break .
25 The International Tennis Federation yesterday reaffirmed its commitment to the new £4 million event but said it was still discussing objections with the ATP .
26 We greatly respected your guidance and always enjoyed your visits to the Plas .
27 Iain looked up when Andrew came in but quickly returned his attention to the screen when he heard the volley of shots and his lips parted slightly at the crescendo of violence and glamour .
28 The little man 's hand shot out again and Caroline quickly raised her eyes to the ceiling .
29 With great respect I can see no basis for concluding that Parliament ever addressed its mind to the problem which arose in In re O. [ 1991 ] 2 Q.B .
30 Chic Charnley yesterday lost his appeal to the SFA against being thrown out of St Mirren .
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