Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [prep] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Zborowski supplied the charcoal , paints , canvas , and brushes ; he also hired the models ( Modigliani insisted that they must be paid three to five francs an hour ) and any accessories , although the painter rarely asked for anything but the human figure for his work .
2 He was one of 4 youths who attacked jogger , Paul Lanighan because he accidently bumped into them in the street .
3 Passionate with indignation at the poverty and injustices which he daily met around him in the industrial north of Bradford , he sought , and was able to gain from , J.P.M. 's National Council of Labour Colleges , that knowledge which served him so well throughout his short working life , as a weapon with which to fight and change the capitalist system which tolerated and perpetuated such inhumane living conditions .
4 ‘ Not the usual kind of student 's flat , ’ muttered the Marshal , surprised to find his feet walking on fitted carpet , a thing that only happened to him in the lobbies of hotels he was checking on .
5 Tom All Alone looked from one to the other .
6 Therese suddenly appeared above them on the stage .
7 His eyes narrowed thoughtfully and to her surprise and confusion he suddenly sat beside her on the settee , turning to her and looking at her closely , his gaze roaming over her flushed and beautiful face .
8 ‘ 2.4 million people done those Italians last weekend , I just read about it in the Daily Mirror .
9 I no longer cared about anything but the sexual charge passing between us .
10 After all we were all leading aircraftsmen on the course and the officer element were acting pilot officers on probation who generally referred to themselves as the lowest form of animal life within the RAF .
11 ‘ Honest , I 'd never seen 'im before , I just bumped into 'im in the fog and it made me sprain me ankle .
12 Jed just stared at him across the top of his glass .
13 but I never had anything , I just went from one to the another , and I had to take it in the hall one day and I was n't , I was never very good at maths anyway , not that kind of maths .
14 I thought she would grow really angry but instead she just pushed past me at the door .
15 The main task is to establish the nature of the tragic chorus , since it is clear from the ancient tradition that tragedy originated in the chorus and once consisted of nothing but the chorus .
16 The violence of this transition became more cushioned for me in the mid-seventies , when we built our bamboo and coconut-wood home in the highlands of Bali , which for seven years now has served us as a sort of decompression chamber between the two worlds .
17 I was quite interested in flashers and their psychology , and often wished they would ‘ flash ’ me ; but they always looked at me with the utmost contempt as I stood waiting hopefully for a revelation .
18 It was the Colonel himself who taught me how to shoot , and I always went with him for the fishing .
19 Its door , as expected , was ajar , and after checking the street Huy quickly slipped through it into the twilit interior .
20 He always spoke of him in the most affectionate terms .
21 Aye , and he also agreed with you about the lump in my back .
22 Right , er , he also agreed with you about the lung and black , right , and he s , and he said the same as you that , erm , if it 's got blood on you leave it alone .
23 Prince and Starky also referred to themselves as the ‘ Two Anointed Ones ’ .
24 Once , months later , when she went to the Regency on a Saturday night with some girlfriends she practically bumped into him on the stairs .
25 Naylor entered the building and was still looking for me when there on the mat right outside your door he saw a set of keys which he instantly recognised as mine from the Alsace wine fob on the key-ring . ’
26 He openly talked of him as the probable successor to the see of Canterbury .
27 I also thought of something in the church the afternoon Damien was killed . ’
28 Now , as she wearily trailed behind him into the main living-room , Laura 's nose wrinkled at the musty , stale atmosphere of the room .
29 Tweed 's close confidante , she often worked with him in the field .
30 Their theology was saturated in the gospel , though they often contended for it in the language of Greek philosophy .
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