Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] it [be] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Consideration of the Commission 's proposal for the telematics programme by both the European Parliament and the advisory bodies to the Research Council is going on apace and it is hoped that this programme will be one of the first from the third Framework programme to be adopted in 1991 .
2 At present the crèche operates during term time only but it is envisaged that it will eventually open outside term , subject to demand .
3 At present the crèche operates during term time only but it is envisaged that it will eventually open outside term , subject to demand .
4 It seems that anxious people condition most easily and it is thought that irrational fears are established in this way .
5 This decision will be reviewed shortly and it is hoped that the grants programme will be started again if there is a sufficient improvement in finances .
6 However , Article 15 specified slightly increased levels of HLCAs because the conversion rate of European Currency Units to Sterling has been altered a little and it is recommended that any enhanced payments should be linked solely to conservation undertakings and be re-imbursed by the EEC .
7 In Tameside the minister had sound administrative reasons for believing that the local authority was acting unreasonably but it was held that merely to have such reasons was insufficient .
8 In the report members of the police were accused of acting illegally and it was suggested that they were biased in favour of Inkatha .
9 Of the 750 men who had originally walked out , 450 were still in Edinburgh ; of these 200 were still unemployed a week later and it was thought that full absorption would take up to six months ; in fact by early April , only 20 strikers were still without work .
10 Development of these is now underway and it is anticipated that a range in a number of occupational sectors will be available for introduction in September 1992 .
11 Many mujaheddin leaders were reported to be abroad and it was thought that Mujjaddedi , leader of the smallest mujaheddin group as well as of an influential Sufi brotherhood , was trying to delay stepping down in the hope that on their return they would support his continuation in office .
12 Fleet operators appear to have felt that the raids had not had much effect on operations there and it was rumoured that the National Iranian Oil Company ( NIOC ) was managing to improvise , using storage tanks on the mainland .
13 The long-term trend towards greater equality of income and wealth has been reversed under the Conservative governments of 1979 onwards and it is argued that this ‘ strategy of inequality ’ ( Child Poverty Action Group ) , which is seen as a direct consequence of the drive towards popular capitalism , has led to a major increase in poverty in the UK and to the possible emergence of an underclass , who lack any stake in popular capitalism and who are caught in the dependency culture .
14 The plan will be implemented regionally and it is realised that the regional priorities may vary from the national .
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