Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] her [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aaah , ’ Lucinda said again , impatiently sinking her knife into the pie crust , watching fascinated as hot brown gravy oozed out .
2 It takes time and effort for her to do this : constantly tapping her nose on the typewriter is exhausting , but then so is making her noises understood .
3 Often in the past he had tried to keep her in bed in the morning , but always she had pushed off his sleep-drugged advances with a brusque reminder that she had work to do , stubbornly shutting her mind to the tenderness of a few hours before .
4 Sandy was already picking her way through the garden towards the front of the house .
5 In England during the war , she literally committed suicide by refusing her food rations , thus expressing her solidarity with the starving of Europe .
6 The week of that first production of Luxembourg , Karl had been absolutely beastly to her — really hurtful about her performance as Juliette which , as she was desperately saving her voice for the other productions , she tended to talk her way through .
7 To ensure she remained this way , her mouth would be packed with earth , thus assuaging her hunger in the Afterworld .
8 Too confused to argue , she contented herself with a nod , greatly relieved when he stood aside , no longer impeding her route to the bathroom .
9 Finally , if Germany did become the true economic locomotive of Europe , then she could demand support from Europe if her economic strength ever began to falter , thus exploiting her weakness in the same way as she will exploit her strength .
10 Lasting impressions so far : the sun ( miraculously ) shining on the slopes of Dalwhinnie , far in the north , on the first leg of the journey ; stumbling across Drew from the World Cup holiday in a motorway café somewhere in England in the middle of the night ; breakfast and mineral water with Claire ( oh , it was good to see her ) in an Italian cafe near London Victoria ; people throwing up all over the joint on the Seacat crossing to Boulogne ( and me staggering about , legs way out of control , on the deck , getting soaked by the spray , saltwater taste in the mouth , and a rainbow arcing on top of the water behind the catamaran ) ; complaining English and American tourist ( ‘ It 's ridiculous that we have to go through customs — why do we have to go through customs anyway ? … ) ; terrible fatigue on the train to Paris , and temperamental French men shouting and swearing at each other in the aisle ; relief at finding Angela 's flat in Paris ; difficult negotiation of the very narrow stairwell , finally finding her way at the top on the 6th floor ; food , and wine , and a shower , and a bed-settee for the night ; Japanese tourists at Notre Dame , and a man announcing his state of poverty and homelessness on the Métro — ‘ ‘ .
11 Already making her way around the house , she came to the front and asked a footman to carry a message to Rose Alderley .
12 It was late that evening that the torpedo from one of Ark Royal 's Swordfish planes smashed Bismarck 's rudder , thus ensuring her destruction by the British fleet .
13 Maggie herself , he knew , understood the situation well enough : there was no one more sensible than Maggie ; but her auntie , who seemed to have taken the place of her mother and , like a mother , had her future interests at heart , was always bringing her qualities to the fore for him to admire .
14 Quickly wiping her fingers on the cotton wool , she tore a large plaster from its paper envelope and pressed the dressing into place over the lacerated bump .
15 So Chogyam-Jones and Fruitbat came , arriving an hour early , when Eva was still shaving her legs in the bath in the kitchen .
16 It seems that , while she was married to Earl Spencer , she regularly had her lunch and her tea in one of her silk and antique negligees , gave orders that because the noise might disturb her , no-one should flush the loo before noon when she got up , and was forever tracing her finger around the furniture to make sure the servants had dusted properly .
17 Jennie Appleby is still concentrating her time on the Cleveland area .
18 In this extract as a whole , we can trace speaker B's attempt to contribute to what she thinks they 're about , by first offering some remarks on telephones and then on the father , but gradually reducing her comments to the type of contentless noises described by Duncan ( 1973 ) as back channels .
19 But after she had finished the first part of her lecture ; after slightly nodding her head to the generous applause ; after the lights had gone up again ; after Ashenden had said ( as every chairman since Creation had said ) how much everyone had enjoyed the talk and how grateful everyone was that not only had the distinguished speaker fascinated each and every one of them but also had agreed to answer any questions which he was absolutely sure everyone in the room was aching to put to such a distinguished expert in the field … it was only then that Dr Moule was able to survey the two intruders .
20 Party leaders were concerned by the ‘ two for the price of one ’ sales pitch Hillary was using as she stumped around the country , often leading her husband into the fray rather than following .
21 Following on from the IWM 's history of Duxford work , Mary is now getting her teeth into the service history of the IWM/Shuttleworth combined Sea Hurricane I restoration project .
22 ‘ Oh , Henry , ’ said Elinor , now blocking her mouth with the palm of her hand and moaning elaborately , ‘ you 're trying to be funny !
23 The tigress was undoubtedly familiar with every foot of the ground , and not having had an opportunity of killing me at the rocks — and her chance of bagging me at the first hairpin bend having been spoilt by the kakar — she was probably now making her way through the dense undergrowth to try to intercept me at the second bend .
24 The tall girl who had despatched Rose to the telephone was now studying her face in the wall mirror .
25 By the middle of the following week , however , she was really missing her trips to the pool and she decided that on Wednesday afternoon , which was one of the afternoons when David was n't at the factory , she would take a chance and go for a swim .
26 Adam indicated Billie who was now stretching her legs in the terminal .
27 Great Aunt S was simply pouring her tea into the saucer , whereupon she drank it down with a loud slurp .
28 Elsewhere , in Coronation Street Catherine Cusack is presently giving her role as the nanny from hell some considerable welly , using it as a showcase for what promises to be her considerable talent .
29 Folly struggled against it , clutching at the thread of normality his explanation offered and resolutely keeping her face towards the centre of the tub .
30 ‘ I understand you 've had only a boiled egg this morning , ’ she said meaningfully , then returning her attention to the maid , ordered , ‘ Make that tea for two , Margaret .
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